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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Chapter 4 - Team Aqua Appeared!

Rize: Taillow help me find Aron from the air!
Rize sent out Taillow to look for Aron. While they keep on moving further to the woods. As they move deeper into the woods.. a group of people in Blue Coloured weird Uniform is surrounding a single man. There was a total of 8 of them.

Mysterious Man from the Blue group: We got ya cornered.. now hand us those papers!
Man: No! Who are you people?! And what do you intend to do with the papers?!
Mysterious: You don't need to know what we are going to use it for as I myself have no idea about it, we are just following our Bosss' brilliant plan! And since you asked, I'll let you know, we are Team Aqua! The Secret organization in Hoenn!
Rize happened to witness all of this and he decided to step in and help man.
Rize: You guys coward! Leave that man alone!
Aqua Grunt: And who is this little brat? You wanna challenge us Team Aqua?! HAHAHA!!
Rize: Let's escape! Mudkip Water Gun!
Mudkip's Water Gun knocked out the Grunts circling the man and Rize pulled out the man and start to escape.
Aqua Grunt: Oh no you don't little kid! Poochyena go and stop them! Everyone sent out your Pokemon too!
Don't let them esape!
So the team Aqua Grunts sent out their pokemon which are all a total of 8 Poochynas.
Man: We're being chased kid!!
Rize: Don't worry Mudkip use Mud Slap to block their road!
Mudkip's Mud Slap mudden the road thus slowing them all down and gave them just enough time to escape and hide.
Rize: Phew.. We manage to disappear out of  their sight.
Man: Thanks alot kid, you saved me.
Rize: No big deal, anyway why're you being chased by them?
Man: I work in a company named Devon Corporation and they are trying to steal this paper of a Blue Print of a new Invention that I have with me right now.
Rize: Hmm.. I see..
Aqua Grunt: Having a nice time chitchating? Hand me those papers!
Rize and the Man was already surrounded by the Aqua Grunts.
Rize: How did they find us here?!
Aqua Grunt: Foolish kid, Poochyena can smell you and tell us where your location is! Now surrender and I'll spare your life! or else..
Rize: Mudkip Water Gun those Poochyena!!
The Poochyena dodged the attack and attacked Mudkip with Bite. Just when things are getting worse, Taillow came back.
Rize: "Nice timing! Taillow's back and they don't know that this Taillow belongs to me! Taillow attack them with your Quick-Attack from the air!
Taillow knocked out 1 Poochyena.
Aqua Grunt: What?! Useless Pokemon!
However Taillow can't finish them all by itself as there were too many of them.
Rize: "The surprise attack won't work the 2nd time, if Taillow were to launch another attack it will get attack by all those Poochyena!" Taillow just stay above!
Aqua Grunt: Poochyena stay ready to attack that bird when it gets down.
Wally: Zigzagoon Headbutt!! (Another Poochyena is knocked out)
Wally arrived in the battlefield to help Rize.
Wally: What's going on here Rize?!
Rize: Tell you the details later but now we gotta get rid of them first!
Aqua Grunt: Get rid of us?! You're dreaming! Poochyena attack that Zigzagoon all together!
The 6 Poocheynas left attacked Wally's Zigzagoon mercilessly and Zigzagoon was badly injured and unable to help anylonger.
Wally: Zigzagoon  Return! Raltz we need you know! Confusion!
The confusion attack seems to be not effecting the Poochyenas at all and again they all attacked Raltz with Bite leaving Raltz receive the same fate like Zigzagoon.
Wally: What?! How can this be?!
Rize: Poochyena are Dark type Pokemon! They are not affected by Psychic type attacks and Dark type attack like Bite is super effective to Raltz!
Wally: Then what is their weakness?!
Rize: It's either Fihgting or Bug type Pokemon, but I don't have either! "Shoot if only I've caught that Aron it will be a big help now!"
Wally: Bug type?! I just caught this! Wurmple go!
 Aqua Grunt: HaHaHa! Wbat do you think this little worm of yours can do against all of us? Poochyena attack that little thing!!
Will Rize and Wally be able to defeat the whole Aqua Grunts and their Poochyenas? Find out on the next chapter!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chapter 3 - Attitude

Following on the last chapter where Rize is about to battle the Open Category Gym Leader's son, Brendan.
As usual Rize checked his opponent's Pokemon with his Pokedex from Prof.Birch.

" Skitty the Kitten Pokemon, it is a Normal type Pokemon. Skitty can't stop itself from chasing moving things, and it runs in circle, chasing its own tail. It's difficult to earn its trust. "

Referee: Begin!
Rize: "a Skitty? he gotta be kidding!" This should be easy! Mudkip Water Gun!
Brendan: Skitty dodge it!
Skitty evaded the Water Gun with ease.
Rize: Think you can escape us? Tackle!
Skitty couldn't dodge the attack and was hit by Mudkip's Tackle.
Rize: How's that?! I'm more than surprise if it still able to continue.
Rize: Mudkip finish with Water Gun!
However Mudkip appears to be ignoring Rizes' order and just stood there awkwardly.
Rize: Mudkip what's wrong?
Brendan: It's not that my Skitty couldn't dodge your Tackle attack but it purposely fell for it.
Rize: What?!
Brendan: Your Mudkip have been infutiated by my Skitty's abillity Cute Charm! Your Mudkip is now incapable of attacking my Skitty! Skitty Double Slap!
Skitty attacked Mudkip mercilessly!
Referee: Mudkip is unable to battle! The Gym Leader's son Brendan is the Winner!
Rize: But how?? How could this happen?!
Brendan: You can't judge a book by its cover, looks can be deceiving. =D
Norman: Well well I guess it's over.. come back when you're stronger kid.
Schumi: So this is your best performance that you mention earlier? What a waste of my time watching your battle.
Rize: This is not right! There must be a mistake! Don't act so tough! I'm sure you can't beat him either!
Schumi: Whatever.. I'm leaving.
Rize: Then let's battle!
Schumi: Waste of my time. (He walked out of the Gym and leave)
Wally: Rize let's go too.
Norman: You want me to tell you what's wrong? It's your attitude, your Attitude determine your Altitude not your Aptitude! (Zig Ziglar) The world is a huge place, there always will be someone who is better than you so don't get so cocky just by having few continous victories.
Rize and Wally left the Gym.
Wally: So what are you gonna do Rize?
Rize: I don't know..
Wally: Well I'll be going to Rustoboro City  to try the Pokemon Gym there! I hope I can get the badge from that Gym You wanna go together?
Rize: No thx.. just leave me alone for now.
Wally: Okay.. See you around!
It is not the Cute Charm that bugged Rize so much but it is when his Mudkip was KO'ed by a single Double Slap move that bugged him so much.
Rize: Forget about it! I'm going to train harder and re-challenge that Brendan!
So Rize snapped out of his dilemma and move on with his life dream and went to route 104 through the Petalburg Woods. Petalburg Woods was huge and rich with nature. Huge trees and lots of grassy area where many wild Pokemon lived peacefully especially Bug types. Rize found something unusual in there,
Rize: Hm? An Aron? That's weird.. Aron is not suppose to be living in woods like here? It should be in a cave or deep mountains or something. But wait, Aron is a Steel and Rock type! Brandon's Skitty won't be able to beat Aron! I'm going to catch it! Mudkip Water Gun!
The Aron noticed the attack and fled away to the ground using Dig.
Rize: What the?! It ran away! Whatever! I'm going to get it no matter what! Aron! You're Mine!
Will Rize be able to catch the wild Aron? Find out on the next Chapter!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Chapter 2 - Rivals

A few days have past since Rize first received Mudkip, now they are on route 101 and was facing a wild Taillow.It appears that Rize was going to catch the wild Taillow. Aside from water Pokemon, Rize also take much a liking to flying type Pokemon.
Rize: Mudkip Water Gun! (Mudkip learned Water Gun)
The Taillow is unable to dodge Mudkip's accurate Water Gun and fell to the ground!
Rize: Now's the time! Pokeball!
Rize threw in the Pokeball and Taillow went inside it, will Rize succeed on catching his very first Pokemon by himself? After a few momment, the Pokeball seems to calmed down and stop shaking.
Rize: We did it Mudkip! We caught ourself a Taillow and a new friend!
Suddenly a young boy came out and approaches him.

???: Hey I'm Wally! You're pretty good! I watched you while you are catching your Taillow!
Rize: I'm Rize! Thanks! Nice to meet you!
Wally: Why don't we have a battle! It will be a 2 on 2 Battle!
Rize agreed to battle so they headed to Oldale Town to heal their Pokemon at the Pokemon Centre and have the battle on route 103.

Wally: Let's go Zigzagoon! (Wally sent out Zigzagoon)
Rize took his Pokedex and scanned on the Zigzagoon to get further info on it.

" Zigzagoon the tinyracoon Pokemon. It walks in zigzag fashion. It is good at finding items in the grass and even in the ground. "

Rize took his new Pokemon's Pokeball from his belt.
Rize: I choose Taillow! (Rize sent out Taillow)
Wally: Zigzagoon use tackle!
Taillow easily dodge Zigzagoon attack as it is fly higher to the sky making it unreachable to Zigzagoon.
Rize: Taillow Quick Attack!
Rizes' Taillow unleashed a strong high speed quick attack and knocked out Wally's Zigzagoon in an instant.
Wally: Zigzagoon I'm sorry..
Rize: Next! (Rize is getting cocky)
Wally: This time we'll turn things round! Ralts I'm counting on you!
Rize checked on his Pokedex for Ralts info.

" Ralts the Feeling Pokemon, it is a Psychic type Pokemon. The horns on its head provide a strong power that enables it to sense people's emotions. It is said to appear in front of cheerful person. Its body warms up slightly if it captures a warm feeling of people or Pokemon. "

Wally: Ralts is my first Pokemon! We're undefeatable!
Rize: Don't be so sure! Taillow Peck attack!
Wally: Raltz show them your Confusion attack!
Taillow is being controlled by Raltz psychic type attack before it can finish its attack and it can't escape the attack and knocked out.
Wally: Told you!
Rize: You've done great Taillow! You're pretty good Wally but still I'm winning this battle! Go Mudkip!
Rize: Mudkip Water Gun!
Wally: Ralts block away the Water Gun with your Confusion!
The Confusion blocks all of Mudkip's Water Gun attack.
Wally: No matter what you try nothing can hit my Raltz!
Rize "What am I suppose to do?! There must be a way to beat him!"
Wally: Raltz Confusion!
Mudkip is hit by the Confusion but it survived.
Rize: "I just gotta have to try!" Mudkip use Water Gun again and charge in!
Wally: Haven't you learn your lesson? Raltz Confusion!
Raltzs' Confusion attack once again blocks off all the Water Gun attack, however..
Rize: Mudkip Mud Slap!
Just after the water have disappeared Mudkip charge in while using the Water Gun and used Mud Slap on Raltz making Ralts' eye blinded by the mud.
Wally: What?! So the Water Gun is just a distraction?!
Rize: Finish it! Tackle!
Mudkip tackled Ralts and knocked it down.
Wally: You're the strongest trainer I ever face! But I doubt that you can beat the Gym Leader in Petalburg City.
Rize: Haha maybe you're the one that is not so strong =P Oh really? Then I'll beat the Gym Leader right infront of you!
The two went to Petalburg City through route 102 and just when they enter the Gym's door the Gym is currently helding a Gym Battle.

Referee: Slakoth is unable to battle! The challenger Schumi wins the match!
A Trainer with calm and confident looking have just defeated the Gym leader and ended the match with ease.
Wally: What? Someone beat the Gym leader!
Rize: Maybe the leader is not that strong afterall.
Gym's Tips and Tricks Guy: Ahem, you're a confident one aren't ya? So are you here to challenge the Gym leader?
Rize: Ofcourse! I might even beat the middle or the open category level!
The ealier challenger Schumi and the junior category Gym Leader heard what Rize just said as they are heading out the gym.
Junior Gym Leader: You arrogant! You're way too fast 10 years to beat Norman! I'm sure I am enough to defeat you!
Rize: Then let's settle this!
Schumi: What makes you think you're so strong?
Rize: I am strong! Just because you just earn your badge you think that you're stronger than me?
Schumi: Interesting! Then I should watch how you win the Gym battle then.

Norman: What are these noises around here?
The Tips and Tricks Guy explained the situation to Norman.
Norman: So you're the strong kid?
Rize: I'm not a kid! I challenge you!
Norman: Well well, instead of going against me, why don't you go against my son Brandon, he's the same age with you but been training in the Gym with me for 5 months now. If you can beat my son you will receive the badge!

Rize: You want your own son  to suffer defeat? Bring it on!
Judge: The gym battle between Rize the challenger and Brendan the Gym Leader's son is about to take place!
Only 1 Pokemon each! The challenger is given the 1st move!
Rize: "Only 1 pokemon, I better use my best!" Mudkip it's you!
Brandon: Skitty it's show time!
Will Rize be able to beat the Gym Leader's son and earn himself his very 1st pokemon gym badge? Find out on the next Chapter!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Chapter 1 - Pokemon, Here I Come!

INTRODUCTION - This is a story of a young male trainer named Rize. Rize was a young boy aged 11 in the Hoenn region and was ready to receive his very first pokemon ever from the Proffesor in charge of the Hoenn region, Professor Birch. Before the story continues, a set of rules and regulations of the Pokemon League in this story is going to be explained. First of all the Pokemon Gyms and Leagues are going to be seperated to 3 categories, the Junior, Middle and Open category. The Junior category is for trainers aged 11 - 13. Intermediate category is from 14 - 17 and Open category is 18 and above. After winning a league, the trainer is then given the right to challenge the Elite 4. Only the open category have their own Elite 4 and Champion. If the trainer wins against the whole Elite 4 then he or she is then is allowed to have a decisive battle against the Champion who is the true Champion. However if the trainer that have won the league and loses against the Elite 4 then he or she does not need to participate in a League anymore next year but participate in Champion League which consist of participant that are winners of the past years Leagues in that category. The winner then is allowed to challenge the Elite 4 again. Each League is held once a year. It is also to be noted that not every new beginning trainer have the opportunity to get a main starter from the regional Professor in this story. Only those who are approved by the Professor are allowed to received a starter pokemon. Children from the age of 3 to 10 must go to study in Pokemon School and at the time of graduation, the 3 top students are the only one allowed to receive the starter Pokemon from the respective Professor of the region.
This is Rize the main character in this story.
   In a small town called Littleroot Town in the Hoenn region there lived a young boy named Rize. He have just turned 11 and was ready to get his first pokemon from Professor Birch. Rize lived in Lilycove town which is the same town Proffesor Birch's Lab and home is in. His parents are good friends to Professor Birch and he also show a keen interest in Pokemon battles since the aged of 3 thus making him allowed to receive a main starter from Proffesor Birch. But not only that, he is indeed the number 1 top student from his Pokemon School when he graduated. In the Hoenn region, the three starter Pokemon are Treecko (Grass type), Torchic (Fire type) and Mudkip (Water type)

Rize likes water pokemon very much so he decided to choose Mudkip the water starter.
Rize: Good morning Proffesor, I am here to get my Pokemon!
Prof Birch: Owh, you're so early! After all this is the day you have been waiting for your whole life right. So tell me have you decided on which Pokemon to pick?
Rize: ofcourse! It's Mudkip the water type!
Prof Birch: Ahaha.. you're the fortunate one! Mudkip is still available! The fire type Torchic have been taken earlier a few days ago so if you have choosen Torchic you would have to wait for a few more days hahaha! So here's your Mudkip and from now on he is your Pokemon!
As Rize received the Mudkip, Professor Birch handed him a high tech encyclopedia of Pokemon known as Pokedex that covers the data of all Pokemon there is to be found in the Hoenn region and 5 empty new Pokeballs.

Rize calls out his new friend out of it's Pokeball and start his journey on becoming the Pokemon Champion. Mudkip is a friendly and gentle Pokemon and they made friend with each other so quickly. Just before Rize stepped out of Prof. Birch Laboratory, a girl rushed in to the laboratory.

Prof. Birch: Well well.., what a good timing Rin! Rize I would like you to meet my daughter Rin. She's been a trainer longer before you.
Rin: So this is the new trainer that is coming today dad? Hi I'm May nice to meet you! So you got Mudkip as your starter ha? Come see my first Pokemon! (She throws her Pokeball in mid-air letting her Pokemon out)
It was a Torchic the fire starter!
Rin: Isn't she the cutest??
Prof. Birch: I have an idea! Rin why don't you have a tutorial battle for Rize! Teach him how to do Pokemon Battle!
Rize: That sounds Great! (Rize is eager to have his very first battle)
They head out of the lab to the outer field to have the battle.
Rin: Now Rize you can have the first move.

Before he begin to attack, Rize took out his Pokedex and scanned on both Mudkip and Torchic to check.

" Mudkip the Mudfish Pokemon, it is a Water type Pokemon. To alert it, the fin on its head senses the flow of water. It has the strength to heft boulders despite its small body. It rests by covering itself with mud at the bottom of the river. "

" Torchic the Chick Pokemon, it is a Fire type Pokemon. A fire burns inside so it feels very warm to hug like a hot-water bottle. "
o alert it, the fin on its head senses the flow of water.
Without any hestitate Rize commanded his new Mudkip to attack Torchic. He knew that a water type pokemon is in an advantage to water type so he commanded Mudkip to use water gun.
Rize: Mudkip use water gun on that Torchic!
But Mudkip just stood there in confusion, not knowing what Rize tells him to do.
Prof. Birch: That Mudkip is still a baby, he still have not know how to use water gun yet.
Rin: Nice try! At least you do have some knowledge on Pokemon typing! Next time check your Pokemon's moveset first with your Pokedex. Alright Torchic use Peck!
The little cute looking Torchic attacked Mudkip agressively with it's fierce peck attack leaving Mudkip badly injured.
Rize: 'Oh no! gotta do something about this' Rize found out that his Mudkip can only use Tackle and Growl attack currently and so he ordered his Mudkip to use Tackle. However Torchic appears to be moving so fast and dodged Mudkip's Tackle with ease.
Rin: Not fast enough. :D Rize you could order your Mudkip to use Growl attack to lower my Torchic's attack so your Mudkip will be receiving less damaged from my Torchic's physical moves!
Rize: Mudkip Growl! Upon learning the usefulness of Growl attack, Rize ordered Mudkip to use Growl attack however..
Rin: Nice but too bad, Torchic use ember!
The fire attack hits Mudkip.
Rin: Ember is a fire move so your Mudkip barely felt it but remember a special attack move is not affected by Growl. You have to learn and know every kind of move there is to be a good Pokemon Trainer! So you have learned two new things today Rize!
Rize is thinking very hard in his mind how to defeat Rin and her Torchic. May ordered another Ember attack to Mudkip. Rize saw the mud on the ground could be use to counter the fire attack.
Rize: 'I just have to give it a try!' Mudkip splash the mud to the fire! Mudkip appears to be very good in splashing the mud and thus blocking the fire attack from  reaching it.
Prof. Birch: That's a Mud-Slap attack! But I thought this Mudkip is not capable to use such move yet!
Rize learns about the move Mud-Slap and checked on his Pokedex for better information and take advantage from it since Mud-Slap is a ground type move which is super effective to a fire type. Now that Torchic's Ember attack is useless it leave Rin no choice but to use Peck on Mudkip thus making Torchic have to get near Mudkip and Rize took advantage to this.
Rize: Mudkip use Mud-Slap now!
The Mud hit the fire Pokemon and reducd it's accuracy as well, while Torchic is stil busy with it's eye hurt Rize is ready to close the battle.
Rize: Mudkip Quick! Tackle it!
Mudkip tackles the torchic and Torchic is out of commission to battle thus making Rize wins his very first Pokemon Battle ever!
Rin: I lost! That was incredible Rize!
Prof.Birch: It was very amazing that you teached your Mudkip to learn Mud-Slap while battling!
Rize: Well actually I didn't know anything about such a move as Mud-Slap existed, I just try to use the surrounding to my advantage!
Prof.Birch: It was amazing that you beated May on your first try! Well May I guess you could have learn from Rize now. "This kid might have what it takes to be the champion!"
And so, Rize won his very first Pokemon Battle against a more experienced trainer. What kind of future awaits him? Find out more on the next Chaper!

*Note: If a character have the sign " while speaking that means they are thinking or talking to themselve in their mind.