Antoine: It's finally over... Rize congratulations on making it to the final and took the runner up position.
Rize: Yeah.. altough I didn't win but still it's quite an achievement and I'm grateful for it. Let's all do our best next year!
Antoine: Right!
Jin: This may be the last time I'm competing in Leagues Competition.
Rize: Eh? Why?
Jin: I think I'm going to focus on Pokeathlon and become a Pro Pokemon Athlete! I just think that battling is not really my stuff.. so..
Antoine: I see.. well all the best then!
Rize: Congratulation on winning Schumi! But next year don't ever think of it! Haha
Schumi: Thanks.. By next year, our gap will be too far for you to reach!
Rize: I'm looking forward to the day we battle again!
Jin: How about you Rize? What's your next plan?
Rize: Well.. for now I'm just going back home to Hoenn.
Rize is going back to Hoenn while everyone else have their own destination.. even tough the League have come to an end, new adventures and places are yet to be explored and ofcourse there's still lots of Pokemon yet to meet.

Next time.. a new beginning!
Cyndaquil Lv.25
ReplyDeleteSwellow Lv.31
Heracross Lv.34
Donphan Lv.29
Glalie Lv.32
Swampert Lv.38