Rize: Let's see whose armor is stronger! Donphan! Your turn!

Rize have choosen the armor Pokemon Donphan!
Schumi: Pupitar Rock Slide!
Rize: Donphan blow the rocks away!
Donphan blew the rocks away with its strong body and tusk.
Rize: That kind of physical attacks won't affect my Donphan's strong defense! Donphan Rollout attack!
Donphan used Rollout and hit Pupitar but Pupitar didn't move even an inch from its original spot.
Schumi: So do your physical attacks won't do a thing to my Pupitar.
Donphan kept rolling and pushed Pupitar back bit by bit.
Schumi: What?!
Rize: Keep at it Donphan!
Pupitar's strong armor shell began to crack!
Rize: Yes!
But unfortunately the crack doesn't signify damage but it turns out that Pupitar's evolving.

Rize: No way!
Schumi: Finally! Tyranitar use Iron Tail!
Tyranitar swing its heavy hard tail and used Iron Tail on Donphan's head and knocked Donphan to the ground hard.

Referee: Donphan is unable to battle! Tyranitar wins!
Rize: Impossible! Knocking out my Donphan with just 1 hit?! And with a physical attack?!
Schumi: That's just how strong my Tyranitar is.. next!
Rize: " I can't lose! I won against the King of Mt.Silver! " Swampert! Only you can do it!

Schumi: Tyranitar charge in!
Rize: You wanna play power with power?! Swampert go head on!
Swampert and Tyranitar grabbed its other's hand and started to push each other backward.
Schumi: Hehehe.. Tyranitar close range Hyper Beam!
Rize: So this is his true intention?! Swampert Hydro Pump!
Swampert used Hydro Pump and pushed Tyranitar far to the back but Tyranitar still manage to fire the Hyper Beam and cuts trough the Hydro Pump and hit Swampert.

But due to the side effect of Hyper Beam, Tyranitar can't move for a momment after that.
Rize: Swampert! Now's the chance! Quick use Ice Punch!
Swampert hurried and hit Tyranitar with Ice Punch and Tyranitar is frozen.
Rize: Brick Break!
Swampert crushed Tyranitar and the ice with Brick Break. It looks like the training in Mt.Silver have paid off.
Referee: Tyranitar is unable to battle! Swampert wins!
Schumi: Tch! Blaziken go!
Rize: "He knew Blaziken is in a type disadvantage against Swampert but he still choose Blaziken! I'm sure Blaziken is his strongest Pokemon and that means the next Pokemon is not strong enough to handle Swampert!
Schumi: Blaziken use Bulk Up!
Rize: Swampert use Hydro Pump!
Blaziken was hit by Hydro Pump before it can avoid it.
Schumi: So it looks like you're stronger now!
Rize: Ofcourse! We won't lose to the same opponent twice! Swampert use Mud Bomb!
Schumi: Dodge and use Hi Jump Kick!
Blaziken dodged Swampert's Mud Bomb and hit Swampert with Hi Jump Kick.
Schumi: Now Sky Upper Cut!
Blaziken followed it up with Sky Upper Cut and Swampert is badly injured.
Rize: Ugh! Swampert hang on! Use Hydro Pump!
Schumi: Dodge it quick!
Blaziken tried to dodge but the arena's ground was covered in mud due to Swampert's Mud Bomb and failed to dodge and hit by another Hydro Pump and this time Blaziken is seriously injured but it's Blaze abillity activated and powered up its Fire power. Swampert's Torrent abillity is acitvated too in the same time due to the exhaustion and powered up its Water power.
Schumi: Full power Blaze Kick!!!
Rize: Full power Hydro Pump!!!|
Swampert used Hydro Pump but Blaziken's Blaze Kick keep moving forward despite of the water current force and managed to hit Swampert with Blaze Kick and created a huge explosion. As the smokes were cleared both Pokemon appear to be laying on the ground.
Rize: Stand up Swampert!!
Schumi: Blaziken!!
Both Pokemon tried to stand up but Blaziken failed to stand up and fainted while Swampert managed to stand back up.
Referee: Blaziken is unable to battle! Swampert wins!
Ling: He did it!
Jin: Now it's 2 against 1!
Rize was excited for the win as he finally defeated the very same Blaziken that trashed him a year ago in the Hoenn league. In addition to Blaziken being Schumi's strongest Pokemon, Rize's confidence is firing and determined to win this final match for sure.
Rize: Swampert return! Take a quick rest inside! Glalie go!

Schumi: I really never expected for you to went this far. I thought I would not need to use this Pokemon. Remember the Pokemon we fought together in Mahogany's Lake?
Rize: Don't tell me that.. it's..!!
Schumi: Right! Gyarados go!

Schumi: Luckily I've managed to control this Pokemon at last in time!
Rize: Glalie use Light Screen!
Glalie puts up a Light Screen to toughen its sp.defense for the team.
Schumi: Useless! Gyarados Twister!
Gyarados created a powerful Twister and twisted Glalie around.
Rize: Glalie don't lose! Gyro Ball!
Glalie hit Gyardos with Gyro Ball hard on its stomach.
Schumi: You're only making it angry! Dragon Breath!
Rize: Glalie Ice Beam!!

Glalie fired a powerful Ice Beam to counter Gyarados' Dragon Breath but its power can't match with it and it got hit with Gyarados' Dragon Breath and knocked out in an instant.
Referee: Glalie is unable to battle! Gyarados wins!
Rize: Swampert! I'm counting on you again!
Antoine: It's 1 on 1 now!!
Jin: But Swampert's not in a good shape!
Rize: Swampert use Hydro Pump!
Schumi: Dragon Breath!
Swampert fired a powered up Hydro Pump from Torrent and clashed with Gyarados' Dragon Breath and its equally powerful and cancelled each other.
Schumi: Twister!
Gyarados created a powerful Twister and Swampert is hanging on its spot tough.
Rize: Please! Hang on!
Schumi: Such a persistent one! Gyarados bind it with your body and bind it tight!
Swampert was binded tight by Gyarados and screamed in pain.
Rize: Swampert Ice Punch!!!
Swampert couldn't gather its strength to use Ice Punch as it is binded tight and it couldn't endure it any longer.
Schumi: Gyarados let it go!
Gyarados let go of the bind and Swamperet is fainted on the ground.
Referee: Swampert is unable to battle! Gyarados wins! The winner of the Johto League Jr.Competition is Schumi from the Red corner!!
Rize: What?! It's.. over?!
Rize battled hard until the very end but after the long fierce battle finally Schumi managed to beat him again and won the Johto League Competition. What will happen next?!
Donphan Lv.28
ReplyDeleteGlalie Lv.32
Swampert Lv.37
Tyranitar Lv.38
Blaziken Lv.36
Gyarados* Lv.40