Referee: The 4th round is about to begin! From the Blue corner is Rize and from the Red corner is Yin! It's a 3 on 3 Pokemon battle! 3,2,1! Trainers go!
Rize: Donphan go!

Yin: Ursaring go!

Rize: "It's Ursaring again! It's going to be a head to head power combat! " Donphan Horn Attack!
Yin: Ursaring grab the horn!
Donphan attacked with Horn Attack but Ursaring intercepted the attack by grabbing on its horn and stopped Donphan from advancing.
Yin: Brick Break!
Donphan was hit by Brick Break and fell hard to the ground.
Rize: Donphan Rollout attack!
Jin: Slash attack!
Ursaring used Slash and repelled Donphan's Rollout attack.
Rize: "Damn! He kept on stopping our attacks! Gotta stop it from moving freely!" Donphan Rock Tomb!
Donphan used Rock Tomb and trapped Ursaring with the rocks.
Yin: Break free from the rocks with Metal Claw!
Ursaring destroyed the rocks with Metal Claw and break free but Donphan attacked with Rollout attack hard and pushed Ursaring far.
Yin: Ursaring Metal Claw!
Rize: Donphan use Rollout again!
The two Pokemon clashed and compete their power but Donphan's power seems to be stronger and Ursaring lost.
Referee: Ursaring is unable to battle! Donphan wins!
Yin: Damn! Umbreon go!

" Umbreon the Moonlight Pokemon and one of the evolved form of Eevee. When exposed to the moon's aura, the rings on its body glow faintly and it gains a mysterious power. "
Rize: Donphan Body Slam!
Yin: Umbreon dodge it!
Umbreon dodged Donphan's Body Slam.
Yin: Umbreon Mean Look!
Umbreon used Mean Look on Donphan.
Rize: Donphan use Horn Attack!
Yin: Umbreon Confuse Ray!
Donphan was affected by Confuse Ray and become confused.
Rize: Damn! Donphan return!
Rize tried calling back Donphan to its Pokeball but failed.
Rize: What?!
Yin: Your Donphan's stuck here because I used Mean Look on it.
Rize: " What should I do?!"
Donphan keep hurting itself by Struggling on the ground.
Yin: Finish it! Faint Attack!
Donphan was hit by Faint Attack and knocked out.
Judge: Donphan lost! Umbreon wins!
Rize: Dark type! Then Heracross is the perfect match up!

Yin: Umbreon use Mean Look!
Heracross is trapped due to Mean Look.
Rize: You can't use the same trick twice! Heracross quick use Megahorn!!
Umbreon was hit with the super effective Megahorn hard by Heracross.
Referee: Umbreon is unable to battle! Heracross wins!
Yin: Feraligatr go!

Rize: Heracross use Aerial Ace!
Yin: Feraligatr Slash!
The two Pokemon clashed their attack equally match.
Rize: Heracross Horn Attack!
Yin: Feraligatr grab the horn!
Feraligatr grabbed Heracross horn.
Yin: Use Slash!
Heracross was hit with Slash.
Rize: Grr!! Megahorn!!
Yin: Aqua Tail!
Feraligatr used Aqua Tail to counter Heracross' Megahorn.
Referee: Heracross is unable to battle! Feraligatr wins!
Rize has only 1 more Pokemon in his arsenal against Yin, but so do Yin. Will Rize be able to win against Yin's strong Feraligatr?!
Donphan Lv.27
ReplyDeleteHeracross Lv.33
Ursaring Lv.26
Umbreon Lv.27
Feraligatr Lv.33