Referee: Porygon 2 is knocked out! The winner is Rize from the Blue corner!

Rize have won his 3rd round of the Johto League and now Jin and Yin's match is about to begin. Who will come out as the victor?
Referee: The 3rd round is about to begin! Jin from the Blue corner against Yin from the Red corner! It's a 3 on battle with no time limit and free substitution! 3,2,1! Trainers begin!

Yin: Ursaring go!

Jin: Furret let's go!

" Furret the Long Body Pokemon and the evolved form of Sentret. It is a Normal type. Furret corners foes with speed despite its short legs. There is no telling where the tail begin. "
Rize: " Luckily my match is before them so I can watch their match!"
Jin: Finally I get the chance to beat you Yin! Furret Quick Attack!
Yin: Ursaring Brick Break!
Ursaring hit Furret with Brick Break before its Quick Attack land a hit.
Referee: Furret is unable to battle! Ursaring wins!
Yin: Are you serious participating in the league with that kind of weak Pokemon?! I wonder how you win the first two rounds.
Jin: The battle's just getting started! Politoed go! Bubblebeam!

" Politoed the Frog Pokemon and the evolved form of Poliwhirl. It is a Water type. Whenever there are three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing. "
Rize: Finally Poliwhirl becomes a frog huh?
Yin: Destroy the bubbles with Slash attack!
Politoed attacked Ursaring with Bubblebeam but Ursaring bursted the whole bubbles with Slash attack.
Jin: Monster!
Yin: Slash attack!
Ursaring attack Politoed with a hard critical hit Slash attack.
Referee: Politoed is unable to battle! Ursaring wins!
Rize: " Hey hey! That Ursaring is crazy! Gotta do something Jin! "
Jin: You're strong Yin! But still! I'm going to win! Typloshion let's turn things round!

" Typloshion the Volcano Pokemon and the evolved form of Quilava. It is a Fire type. Typloshion has a secret devastating move. It rubs its blazing fur together to cause explosion. It attacks using blasts of fire and creates heat shimmers with intense fire to hide itself. If its rage peaks, it becomes so hot that anything that touches it will instantly go up in flames. "
Rize: His Quilava further evolved! This Typloshion might turn things round!
Yin: Finally! You revealed your Ace! Let's see what it can do! Ursaring Slash attack!
Jin: Typloshion Eruption!!
Typloshion unleashed a very strong Eruption attack and Ursaring was knocked out with a single blow.
Referee: Ursaring can't continue! Typloshion wins!
Rize: " That was a very powerful move! The whole stadium become hot too!"
Yin: Now you're going to regret for choosing that Pokemon for your first Pokemon instead of this one! This is the best starter! Feraligatr go!

" Feraligatr the Big Jaw Pokemon and the evolved form of Croconaw. It is a Water type. It usually moves slowly, but it goes at a blinding speed when it attacks and bite preys. "
Rize: " Yin's Croconaw has evolved to the final stage too! Can Jin win against it?!"
Jin: We won't lose even with a type disadvantage! Typloshion Quick Attack!
Feraligatr was hit by the speedy Quick Attack.
Yin: Crunch attack!
Jin: Dodge that and attack with Hidden Power!
Typloshion dodged Feraligatr's Crunch attack and attacked with Hidden Power and it looks like it is super effective to Feraligatr.
Yin: Ggrr! Slash attack!
Typloshion was hit by Slash attack.
Yin: Now quick use Aqua Tail!
Typloshion was hit again this time with Aqua Tail.
Jin: Typloshion hang on! Use Hidden Power!
Yin: Crunch attack!
This time Feraligatr dodged the Hidden Power and crunched Typloshion's neck.
Yin: Don't let go!
Typloshion was screaming in pain.
Jin: Typloshion!! Eruption!!
Typloshion unleashed a strong close range Eruption attack and hit Feraligatr. The whole arena was filled and clouded with fire. As the fire vanished the battle is now viewable again but..
Referee: Both Typloshion and Feraligatr is unable to battle! It's a draw! But since Yin still have 1 more Pokemon, Yin from the Red corner win!
Jin: ...
Yin: You did your best Typloshion!
The board begin to spin and displayed the 4th round's opponent for Rize and it was Yin who he's going against with in the 4th round. Jin has lost against Yin, will Rize be able to beat Yin and his strong Pokemon?!
Furret Lv.20
ReplyDeletePolitoad Lv.22
Typloshion Lv.32
Ursaring Lv.25
Feraligatr Lv.30
Porygon 2 Lv.20