Referee: The Gym battle between Rize the challenger and Tyson the Jr.Gym Leader is bout to begin! Each Trainer only use 1 Pokemon for this battle! Ready?! Begin!
Tyson: You're still here?! I thought you're back to your home and cry to your mama! Are you sure you wanna lose again? It's still not too late if you want to quit..
Rize kept his cool and stay calmed altough he is boiling inside.
Claire: Tyson just beat him again! This time teach this outsider a lesson for real!
Tyson: Yes Master Claire! Kingdra let's kick their ass again!

Rize: Swampert go!
Tyson: You're still going with that weak Pokemon? Kingdra Hydro Pump!
Rize: Swampert dive into the water!
Swampert dodged Kingdra's Hydro Pump and dived into the water.
Tyson: You still haven't learn your lesson?! Kingdra use Whirlpool and trap that Pokemon!
Swampert was trapped in the vortex of whirlpool.
Rize: Swampert now! Use Ice Punch on the water!
Swampert used Ice Punch on the water and froze the whirlpool thus stopping the Whirlpool attack.
Tyson: What?! No way!
Rize: Swampert Brick Break!
Tyson: Dive in and hide using Smoke Screen!
Kingdra dived in and used Smoke Screen so that Swampert can't know its exact location.
Rize: Swampert use Brick Break!
Kingdra was hit with Brick Break.
Tyson: But how?!
Rize: Under water, Swampert can detect on where its opponent using its fin as a radar!
Tyson: Hah! Your Brick Break almost didn't do a thing due to attacking in the water.
Rize: Swampert freeze the whole water field with Ice Punch!
Swampert frozed the whole water field turning it into an Ice field.
Rize: Your Kingdra is pretty much useless now that there's no water!
Tyson: Curse you!! Kingdra use Hydro Pump!
Rize: Swampert use Brick Break to cut through the Hydro Pump!
Swampert cut through Kingdra's Hydro Pump with Brick Break and attack with Brick Break!(Not in water)
Rize: Don't give it a chance to rest! Mud Bomb!
Kingdra was hit with Mud Bomb.
Tyson: Damn! Kingdra let's use Dragon Rage!
Rize: Swampert Hydro Pump!
Kingdra's Dragon Rage was blocked with Hydro Pump.
Rize: Ice Punch!!!

Kingdra was hit with a powerful Ice Punch and..
Referee: Kingdra is unable to battle! Swampert wins! Rize the challenger wins the match!!
Tyson: How could I lose??
Claire: You're a disgrace to our Dragon Clan! I'm replacing you with Takao! And for you boy! I'm not giving you any badge boy! You don't desrve the Jr.Rising badge!
Rize: What?!
Suddenly the Move Tutor Man came in.
Move Tutor Man: This boy wins the match fair and square! Give him the badge at once! Or should I have your grandpa told Lance about this?!
Claire: Ugh!! Allright then.. Here take your Jr.Rising Badge! I hope that you lose at the first match of the Pokemon League!!
Rize: What kind of adult have an attitude like that?! No wonder her disciples are so arrogant and annoying!
Move Tutor Man: Ignore them, as long as you got your badge!

Rize have finally collected the whole 8 of Johto's Gym badges. But this doesn't mean that his Johto journeys have finished as there are still places that he have yet to visit. The Pokemon League is still in 3 months time and Rize still have lots of time to further polishing his Pokemon and skills. Will Rize be able to make it in the Johto League? Stay tuned!
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