Rize checked with his Pokedex the Pokemon he saw.
Rize: Mantine is so cool! Water and Flying type!
Fisherman: Yes kid! Mantine is a very cool Pokemon! I'm a fisherman and I collect Water Pokemon around this area.
Rize: You must have a cool collection of Water Pokemon!
Fisherman: Yes take a look at my cute Corsola and Qwilfish!

Rize: Mr.Fisherman, you said that you collect water Pokemon from this area right? Do you happen to know what are and what's on those islands?
Fisherman: Ahh those islands are called the Whirl Islands! I heard of a Legend that a sea creature is living deep inside that Island's sea and act as the Guardian of the Sea! When I was there at night sometimes I heard a loud cry of something! It must be the Sea Guardian!
Rize: Really?! That's a very cool legend!
Fisherman: So boy do you have a Water Pokemon?
Rize send out Marshtomp.
Fisherman: What Pokemon is this?! Where do you get it?! I never see it in my whole life!!
Rize: Hehe I'm from the Hoenn region and this is my first Pokemon Marshtomp.
Fisherman: I see... I must visit Hoenn one day! I heard Hoenn have lots of Water Pokemon!
Rize: Yes Hoenn is the known as the Water land region!
Fisherman: Hey boy let's have a battle on the sea water! How bout it?
Rize: Okay! Marshtomp let's go!
Fisherman: Lanturn go!

" Lanturn the Light Pokemon and the evolved form of Chinchou. It is a Water and Electric type. Lanturn's light can shine up from great depths. It is nicknamed " The Deep Sea Star." "
Fisherman: Get ready for some surprise! Lanturn Charge!
Rize: Marshtomp use Rock Smash!
Marshtomp hit Lanturn with Rock Smash while Lanturn is charging its power.
Fisherman: We will win in one shot! Lanturn Thunder Bolt!
Lanturn unleashed a very powerful Thunder Bolt and Marshtomp is drowned into the water.
Fisherman: Hahahah! Looks like I've won boy!
Rize: Marshtomp now come out and use Mud Bomb!
Marshtomp came out of the water looking good and use Mud Bomb and knocked out Lanturn.
Fisherman: What?! But how?!
Rize: Marshtomp is not only a Water type but also a Ground type.. hehehe...
Fisherman: I see... no wonder you're so calm..
As time goes by during their battle, the Cianwood Island is already visible and only a few more hours to reach. Next is the Cianwood Gym! What kind of Gym is the Cianwood Gym?!
Marshtomp Lv.28
ReplyDeleteLanturn Lv.30