Referee: The 2nd round of the Pokemon League Competition is about to begin! It's a 3 on 3 Pokemon battle with free substitutions and no time limit! 3,2,1! In the Blue corner we have Rize and the Red corner is Antoine! Let the battle begin! 3,2,1! Go!
Antoine: I have been waiting for this momment! This time you're going down Rize! Houndour go!

" Houndour the Dark Pokemon and the pre-evolved form of Houndoom. It is a Dark and Fire type. It conveys its feeling using different cries. It is smart enough to hunt in packs. "
Rize: Hoothoot go!
Antoine: Houndour Crunch attack!
Rize: Hoothoot fly up high to dodge!
Hoothoot flew up high and dodged Houndour's Crunch attack.
Antoine: Don't let it escape! Houndour use Flamethrower!
Hoothoot was hit by Flamethrower and fell down to the ground.
Antoine: Crunch! Go!
Rize: Hoothoot Hypnosis!
Hoothoot used Hypnosis and Houndour fall asleep.
Rize: Hoothoot rest up abit while its sleeping.
Suddenly the sleeping Houndour woke up.
Antoine: Fire Fang! Go!
Rize: So fast!
Hoothoot was hit by Fire Fang and knocked out.
Referee: Hoothoot lost! Houndour wins!
Antoine: My Houndour's abillity is Early Bird. It made it able to wake up faster than as usual.
Rize: Aron go!
Antoine: " What Pokemon is that?! It looks like it's a Steel type! But he knew that Houndour is a Fire type so it can't be a Steel type!
Rize: Aron Rock Tomb!
Houndour was hit by Rock Tomb.
Antoine: Houndour Crunch attack!
Houndour used Crunch on Aron but Aron barely feel anything.
Rize: Double Edge!
Houndour was hit by Double Edge and knocked out.
Referee: Houndour lost! Aron wins!
Antoine: Larvitar go!

" Larvitar the Rock Skin Pokemon. It is a Rock and Ground type Pokemon. It is born deep underground. It can't emerge until it has entirely consumed the soil around it. After it has eaten a large mountain, it falls asleep so it can grow. "
Rize: " It eat a large mountain to grow?! That's scary! Wonder where he got his Larvitar from." Aron use Dig!
Aron burrowed a hole and went underground.
Antoine: Damn!
Aron came out and hit Larvitar.
Antoine: Larvitar use Brick Break now!
Rize: Aron Metal Claw!
Both Pokemon clashed their attack to each other and both was knocked out.
Referee: Both Aron and Larvitar is unable to battle! It's a draw! 3,2,1! Resume the battle!
Antoine: Sneasel it's up to you!
Rize: "I knew it will be Sneasel!" Aipom go!
Antoine: Sneasel Slash attack!
Rize: Aipom dodge it!
Aipom dodged Sneasel's Slash attack!
Rize: Aipom use Swift!
Antoine: Dodge that!
This time Sneasel dodged Aipom's Swift attack.
Rize: Both Pokemon are equally fast! If nobody can land a hit the match will not last! It's time for head to head battle!!
Antoine: I agree with you! Head to head and see who is stronger! Sneasel Metal Claw!
Rize: Aipom Brick Break!
The two Pokemon fiercely goes head to head trying to land a hit. After awhile Sneasel can't keep up anymore due to the move type disadvantage and lost its guard and hit by Aipom's Brick Break over and over again untill it's unable to battle.
Referee: Sneasel lost! Aipom wins! The winner is Rize from the Blue corner!
Antoine: I guess I still can't beat you afterall..
Rize: But this time you're close!
Rize have defeated Antoine in the 2nd round and proceed to the 3rd round. Will he be able to keep this momentum? Who will be his next opponent?!
Hoothoot Lv.21
ReplyDeleteAron Lv.24
Aipom Lv.24
Houndour Lv.23
Larvitar Lv.24
Sneasel Lv.25