Rize: It's been 9 months since the last time I was here. Cyndaquil and Hoothoot this is the place where I first meet you guys! Let's meet Prof.Elm again!
Rize entered Prof.Elm's Lab after the nostalgic walk on route 29 near New Bark Town.
Prof.Elm: Oh Rize! It's a surprise to see you! What takes you here?
Rize told Prof.Elm that he have successfully gathered 8 badges from Johto and is now going to back to Hoenn temporary for training until the Pokemon League starts.
Prof.Elm: It's great that you have successfully made your entrance to the Pokemon League, but according to your Pokedex data, you have not yet see every Pokemon in the Johto region.. Are you sure you don't wanna travel around Johto again? I'm sure there are still places that you haven't go and see.
Rize: I think you're right! Come to think of it I haven't know the mystery of the Pokemon living in the Sea at Whril Islands.
Prof.Elm: Pokemon living in the Sea at the Whirl Islands?! Do you mean Lugia?!
Rize enter Lugia into the Pokedex.

" Lugia the Diving Pokemon. It is said to be the guardian of the seas. It is rumored to have been seen on the night of a storm. It quietly spends its time deep at the sea because its power are too strong. "
Rize: Yes! This is the Pokemon I saw coming out from the Sea at night when I was flying across the sea route back to Olivine Town! It's such an elegant Pokemon! It must be a Water type!
Prof.Elm: You gotta be kidding! Lugia is a Legendary Pokemon! It can't be seen that easily in wild! Unfortunately Lugia is a Psychic and Flying type but it do live in the sea tough.
Rize: I'm not making this up! I really saw it!
Prof.Elm: Allright allright, why don't we listen to nice music on the radio now.(Prof.Elm turn on the radio)
Radio: Greetings people of Johto! We are now promoting Team Rocket! Team Rocket is an organization that do good for people and Pokemon! We highly suggest you people to support Team Rocket from now on! Allright people enjoy this Rocket Music now!
Prof.Elm: What the hell are they talking about?! That's not DJ Mary!! Isn't Team Rocket the evil organization that attacked us?! And what's with this loud and crazy music! It's simply a noise pollution! How can they call this music?!
Rize: Prof! I got a bad feeling about this! Something seems not right!
Prof.Elm: Are you telling me that Team Rocket hi-jacked the Radio Tower at Golden Rod?! But the Radio Tower is guarded with top security! It won't be that easy to overtake that place!
Beep beep.. Rize Pokegear rings..
Ling: Rize! Did you hear the radio broadcast just now?! Don't tell me that Team Rocket have hi jacked the radio tower?!
Rize: Maybe.. I'm going to go to Golden Rod city to check by myself now!
Ling: I'll go too!
Rize: Let's meet there then!
Prof.Elm: Don't do anything reckless, call me when you've reach there!
Rize and Ling is now on the way to Golden Rod city! Did Team Rocket really hi-jacked the radio tower?!
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