(In Johto, Blissey is a Pokemon that helps in treating the Pokemon in every Pokemon Centre)
Rize: Thanks nurse and Blissey.. Swampert I'm sorry that we lost..
???: Hoho.. did you just have a gym battle at the Blackthorn Gym and lost?
Rize: ...Yeah..
???: Fear not! I, the Move Tutor Man will help you to win!
Rize: Move Tutor?
Rize told the Move Tutor Man about the battle and how he lost in the Gym battle.
Move Tutor Man: So that's how it is.. now I got a question for you boy, how do you stop water from moving?
Rize: Water have no base form, even if we put in a container it can still move.. unless!!
Move Tutor Man: You got it now?!
Rize: Why didn't I think of it at that time?! All I have to do is to freeze the water with Swampert's Ice Beam attack!
Move Tutor Man: Yuph.. always remember that no matter in any situation you're in, stay calm!
Rize: Allright then! I'm going for a rematch!
Move Tutor Man: Not yet young boy, I got a better move for your Swampert..
Rize: What move is that?!
Move Tutor Man: Young boy, do you realize that Swampert is great in physical strength?
Rize: Yes I do.. so?
Move Tutor Man: But it is not so great in special attacks! That's why I'm going to teach you a better move than Ice Beam which is Ice Punch!
Rize: Ice Punch?! That's cool! Please teach us!
Move Tutor Man: This will be quick and easy since your Swampert already mastered the ice element. All you have to do is to concentrate the ice element this time not from your Swampert's mouth but from Swampert's fist! After you have charged the ice power enough than you go and strike it with a punch to your opponent! My Quaqsire will demonstrate and assist your Swampert!

The Move Tutor Man's Quagsire demonstraed to Swampert an Ice Punch attack after that Rize and Swampert practiced on mastering the Ice Punch move and after several tries..

Rize: You made it Swampert! You've mastered Ice Punch! A brand new move!
Move Tutor Man: Congratulations young boy! Now the rest is up to you and you should have no problem in the rematch.
Swampert have mastered a new move which is a much more powerful attack in its arsenal, but it can't fire Ice Beam from range again in official battles as the rule say it that a Pokemon can only use 4 registered moves in an official battle. Will this be enough to beat Tyson and his powerful Kingdra?! Find out on the next chapter!
Swampert Lv.31