Gary: Gligar let's go!

Rize checked his Pokedex about Gligar.
" Gligar the Flyscorpion Pokemon. It is a Ground and Flying type. It usually clings to cliffs. When it spots its prey, it spreads its wings and glides down to attack. "
Rize: So it's a Ground and Flying type! Pretty unique typing Pokemon! Finally I get the chance to test this Pokemon! Heracross go!
Gary: Gligar use Poison Sting!
Rize: What?! It can use Poison attacks! Heracross dodge and use Horn Attack!
Heracross dodged the Poison Sting attack but ignored Rize command and idling around.
Gary: Hey! What was that?! Is that Pokemon even ready to battle?!
Rize: Come on Heracross what are you doing? You're having a battle!
Heracross become angry and attacked Rize instead!
Rize: Woaahh!! Heracross back into your Pokeball!!
Gary: I count this as a victory! You can't even train your Pokemon! You're weak! I'm outta here!
Rize: What?! Come back here! I'll use my other Pokemon!
Gary ignored Rize and kept going. Rize then continued his journey and found a Miltank Farm.
Rize: Cool! Miltank Farm! (Rize checked his Pokedex)

" Milktank the Milk Cow Pokemon. It is a Normal type. Its milk is packed with nutrition, making it the ultimate beverage for the sick and weary. "
Milk Man: Hey boy! Come to our Moo Moo House! Your Pokemon will love our fresh product of Moo Moo Milk!
Just when Rize Pokemon is about to drink their Moo Moo Milks for all his Pokemon however..
Man: Hey you have to be responsible for this! My Pokemon is sick after drinking your Moo Moo Milk product!
Milk Man: What? How can that be?! My Moo Moo Milk promotes good health to Pokemon!
Milk Worker: Sir! We have a trouble! All our Milktank suddenly became ill! They're all sick now!
Milk Man: What?! But our products have been sold and send to the market just now! This is bad! If all Pokemon that drink our milk become sick my business will go bankrupt!!
Rize: Hey all of you! You hear that?! Don't drink the Moo Moo Milk!
All of Rize Pokemon listened to him but Heracross ignored it and drink the Moo Moo Milk.
Rize: Oh no!! Why you never listen to me?!
Heracross immediately become ill and fall sick.
Rize: Oh no! I gotta rush to Olivine City's Pokemon Centre!
Rize hurried to Olivine City's Pokemon Centre but it looks like the Pokemon Centre is full of other people with their Pokemon who have fallen sick as well. They all drank the Moo Moo Milk product from the Moo Moo Farm Factory.
Rize: Please cure my Heracross! Please!
Jasmine: Ampharos is sick! This is trouble as Ampharos is in charge of lighting the Lighthouse! If the Lighthouse can't lit the light Ships coming to Olivine City will crush to the rocks!!

Nurse: Everyone please calm down! This is a new Virus and we are still looking for a way to kill this Virus but we promise we will give our best to get your Pokemon back to health again!
Jasmine: Amphy can't wait for that! The Traditional Herb Specialist must be able to cure this disease!
Rize: Where is that Traditional Herb Specialist? I will go there as long as all these Pokemon can be cured!
Jasmine: You want to go there?! I also want to go but I can't leave Amphy alone.. The Traditional Herb Specialist lives in Cianwood Island to the South-West from here crossing the Sea. I'll take an eye for your Heracross while you go there!
Rize: Okay! Heracross please hang on! I'll bring the herbs to cure you!
Jasmine: It will take too long if you take the ship. Take my Skarmory and fly to Cianwood Island!

Rize is now going to Cianwood Island from Olivine City with the borrowed Skarmory. Will the herbs be able to cure the disease? Find out on the next chapter!
Heracross Lv.30
ReplyDeleteGligar Lv.28
Ampharos Lv.45
Skarmory Lv.52