" Octillery the Jet Pokemon and the evolved form of Remoraid. It is a Water type. It makes its nest among boulders "
Rize: What a crap information!
Aethena: Octillery use Octazooka!
Suddenly someone interecept the Octazooka attack. It was non other than the Mahogany Gym Leader Pryce.
Rize: It's Pryce!
Pryce: Now kid get away while you can! I will handle all of them!
Aethena: Ooh... help has come eh? Grunts you all get the kids! As for you old man, you will deal with me 1 on 1! Octillery use Octazooka!
Pryce: Piloswine Ice Shard!

Pryce went against the rocket executive Aethena and the battle is going intesely head to head. Mean while Rize and the others.
Ling: Azumarill use Water Gun! Espeon Psychic! Meganium Body Slam!

Rize: Cyndaquil and Aipom use Swift! Hoothoot Hypnosis!
Schumi: Noctowl Hypnosis!
Rize, Ling and Schumi easily defeated and took care of the Grunts however, the sleeping red Gyarados awaken from its sleep and continue its rage and used a strong Twister attack and everyone is blown away by its sheer power.
Pryce: Stay together kids! Stay behind my Piloswine!
Aethena: Amazing! The power of our Experimented Pokemn is sure amazing!
Rize: What did you say?! Experimented Pokemon?!
Aethena: Hahaha! Yes! This red Gyarados is an experiment tool for us and our experiment seems to be successful! Do you think you can find a red coloured Gyarados?! It's all our marvelous doing!
Schumi: My Noctowl is in different colour naturally! It doesn't need your damn experiment!
Pryce: Experimenting on Pokemon! That's so terrible! Kids we gotta save the red Gyarados! I'm sure its rage is because it is angry for being experimented!
Ling: It must be in pain.. poor Gyarados..
Rize: I got enough! Hoothoot use Confusion on Octillery!
Aethena: You're kidding?! Octazooka!
Hoothoot was knocked out by Octazooka! Hoothoot's confusion was not able to stop the attack.
Rize: Hoothoot!
Pryce: Kids! I will take care of Octillery and its trainer! You go and stop Gyarados like earlier!
Schumi: Noctowl let's use Hypnosis again!
Aethena: Not like I will let you! Crobat attack with Poison Fang!

Crobat attacked Schumi's Noctowl with Poison Fang and knocked it out.
Rize: No way!! In 1 hit?!
Aethena: Hahaha! Now you can't do anything to the red Gyarados!|
Schumi: Crobat is super fast! Moreover it can fly! We can't match with it unless we have a fast flying Pokemon too!
Rize: We gotta stop it from moving! Marshtomp use Ice Beam!
Marshtomp shoot lots of Ice Beam attack but Crobat is too fast and Marshtomp can't land even a hit.
Pryce: Concentrate! You gotta predict on where its going to move next!
Aethena: Do you have the time to worry bout others?! Octazooka!
Pryce's Piloswine was hit with Octazooka.
Aethena: Hahaha! Crobat use Aerial Ace on Marshtomp!
Marshtomp was hit with Aerial Ace.
Rize: Marshtomp!!
Marshtomp could barely stand up after the hit but its determination make it possible and it start to evolve..

Aethena: Oh shit!
" Swampert the Mud Fish Pokemon and the evolved form of Marshtomp. It is Water and Ground type. Swampert's arms are as hard as rock. With one swing, it can break a boulder into pieces. It can swim while towing a large ship.
Rize: Swampert! At last! Now let's use Ice Beam!
Having evolved into Swampert does make it stronger but it's still not enough to hit Crobat with Ice Beam.
Aethena: Hahaha! It's useless!
Pryce: I've got no choice but to use this.. Kids go and take cover!!
Rize, Ling and Schumi take cover far away behind a big rock.
Pryce: Piloswine let's use Blizzard full power and freeze them all!
Piloswine unleashed a powerful Blizzard to the whole area freezing Crobat, Octillery and the red Gyarados and even Aethena.
Aethena: Noo!! (Frozed)
Pryce: Hey quickly catch the red Gyarados!
Schumi: Heavy Ball let's go!
Schumi's Heavy Ball caught the red Gyarados.
Rize: Whew! It's finally over!
They threw out Aethena and her Pokemon from the ice and arrested them to the police.
Police Officer: Thanks for catching these criminals, please come with me for further investigation on what actually happens.
Pryce went with the Police Officer to tell the whole story.
Schumi: It sure take you a long time to evolve Marshtomp into Swampert.(He left as he spoke)
Rize: Whatever! The most important thing is you've finally evolved Swampert! Congratulations!
Ling: Yeah!
Rize and the rest have finally stopped Team Rocket's plan! But what do Team Rocket really plan with the red Gyarados? Is there still many Team Rocket around Johto?
Espeon Lv.20
ReplyDeleteAzumarill Lv.22
Cyndaquil Lv.19
Aipom Lv.18
Hoothoot Lv.17
Piloswine Lv.48
Crobat Lv.40
Octillery Lv.42