Ling: Rize before we go to Golden Rod City, I want you to visit a place in this route 34.
Ling brought Rize to a Pokemon Day Care Breeding Centre.
Rize: Pokemon Day Care Breeding Centre??
Day Care Man: Yes! You can let your Pokemon stay here with us and we will train your Pokemon for you!
Ling: He's my other Grandpa! Let's go in and see around.
Day Care Lady: Welcome Ling! And who's there with you?
Ling: He's my friend from Hoenn Region Rize! He's the one who gave me Azurill 2 years ago!
Rize: Good Morning! I'm Rize, nice to meet you!
Day Care Lady: Oohh.. Very well so do you want to look around we have many rare Pokemon here..

Rize checked all these Pokemon with his Pokedex.
Day Care Lady: Do you know why I call them rare Pokemon? They actually can't be found here in the Johto region as their parents are natively from Kanto. Trainers from Kanto that are travelling here in Johto let their Pokemon train here and eventually meet with other kind of their species and mate an egg. Since they don't want to take the eggs, the eggs hatched into these Pokemon and stayed here.
Ling: Grandma! Since they don't belong to anybody can I have the Cleffa! It's just so cute and adorable!
Day Care Lady: Ofcourse you can have it my dear.. Oh Rize! You can choose any one you want too since you gave Ling a Pokemon back then, just treat this as the way I thank you.
Ling: Allright! Thanks Grandma! Cleffa hello! I'm your Trainer now! Rize which one will you choose?
Rize: Hmm... maybe I'll get the Electric type since I don't have any Electric Type Pokemon yet.. But is there any others?
Day Care Lady: These is all we have but we have one more here but it's still an Egg! Do you want this Egg instead?
Rize: Allright! I take the Egg then! Waiting the Egg to hatch is pretty exciting as we don't know what kind of Pokemon will hatch from it!
Day Care Lady: You're one interesting lad.. take care of this Egg then..
Rize received the Pokemon Egg from the Day Care Lady.
Ling: Wow Rize! When that Egg have hatched make sure you call me and let me know what Pokemon that hatch from it okay?
Rize: Sure! It maybe take quite awhile to hatch tough..
Ling: Okay, you'll be going to Golden Rod City for Gym battle right? I'll be staying here first with Grandpa and Grandma, good luck for the Gym battle!
Rize: Thanks! You too good luck on the Pokemon Contest! See you all again!
Rize and Ling parted way and now Rize is about to challenge the Golden Rod Gym Leader for a badge! What kind of exciting match will he get in the Gym? And what Pokemon will hatch from the Egg? Keep Reading to find out!
Cleffa Lv.3