A little girl with a cute two little ponytails approached and talked to Rize. The girl is 9 years old.
Lyra: Hi! I'm Lyra Kurt's granddaughter!
Rize: Hi! I'm Rize your grandfather's customer!
Lyra: Wow! You must be quite the trainer for being my grandfather's customer.
Rize: Hm? Why is that?
Kurt: Rize I haven't told you that I need 1 day to make the special Pokeball for you so why don't you go and challenge this Town's Gym first.
Rize: Right! Great Idea! So I'll come back again tomorrow to take my special Pokeball then!
Lyra: Bye big brother!
So Rize went into the Gym and challenge the Gym Leader for a battle but the Gym Leader is someone he knew.
Referee: The battle between Rize the Challenger and FeiChong the Junior Gym Leader is about to begin! It's a 2 on 2 Pokemon Battle and only the Challenger is allowed to switch Pokemon between the match!
Rize: FeiChong?! Since when did you become the Gym Leader here?!
FeiChong: I was travelling in Johto and when I found this paradise place I immediately made up my mind to become the Gym Leader. So I participated in the audition and here I am!
Rize: Paradise??
FeiChong: This place is the coolest Gym ever!! Oh yea this is a perfect timing for payback at the Hoenn League!
Rize: Ha! Bring it on! Cyndaquil let's go!
FeiChong: I'll show you my new Bug Pokemon! Pineco go!

Referee: Begin!
" Pineco the Bagworm Pokemon. It is a Bug type. Pineco looks just like a pinecone. Its shell protects it from bird Pokemon that peck it by mistake. "
Rize: You sure have a weird taste for Pokemon! I'll let you go first since I'm going to win with 1 move anyway.
FeiChong: You'll regret that! Pineco use Spikes!
Pineco poured alot of Spikes on Rizes' field side.
Rize: What the hell're you doing?
FeiChong: Now Toxic Spikes!
Pineco poured lots of Toxic Spikes on Rizes' field side.
Rize: I got enough of your useless attacks! Cyndaquil use Flame Wheel!
Cyndaquil attacked Pineco with Flame Wheel and it should have take it down. But..
FeiChong: Haha! Pineco's abillity Sturdy make it endured to your fire attack and thanks for coming near into us! Pineco use Explosion!
Cyndaquil was hit by the Explosion and knocked out but so do Pineco.
Referee: Both Cyndaquil and Pineco is knocked out!
Rize: Cyndaquil noo!
FeiChong: Haha! I've sealed your Fire Pokemon away! Let's finish this Spinarak!

" Spinarak the String Spit Pokemon. It is a Bug and Poison type. Spinarak sets a trap by spinning a web with thin but strong silk. "
Rize: I can still win that little thing without a Fire Type! Hoothoot let's go!
Rizes' Hoothoot entered the battle field but it suddenly take damage from Spikes and poisoned by Toxic Spikes.
Rize: What?!
FeiChong: Hahaha! The useless moves you said earlier are now killing you! You did well for choosing a Flying Type but your Hoothoot didn't fly and stand on the ground! These moves only take effects on a newly switch Pokemon!
Rize: Damn it! Hoothoot hang tough!
FeiChong: Spinarak Poison Sting!
Rize: Hoothoot dodge and use Peck!
FeiChong: Intercept with String Shot!
Hoothoot was bind up with String Shot before it could land the Peck Attack and the Poison keep on inflicting damage on Hoothoot.
Rize: Hoothoot Hypnosis!
Spinarak was not affected by the Hypnosis.
FeiChong: Hahaha! My Spinarak have the Insomnia abillity! Now finish that Hoothoot with Poison Sting!
The preserved move Hypnosis was unfortunately not useful against Spinarak. Will Rize still be able to turn things round and win?! Find out on the next chapter!
Cyndaquil Lv.14
ReplyDeleteHoothoot Lv.13
Pineco Lv.11
Spinarak Lv.12