Rize: Thanks Skarmory now wait for me here untill I return.
Rize asked the resident living in Cianwood about the Traditional Herb Specialist.
Man: Oh do you mean the Cianwood Pharmacy? It's very famous and the pride of Cianwood! Go follow this route turn right then left and you'll get there! You'll recognize the shop right away!
Rize arrived at the Cianwood Pharmacy but unfortunately it's closed as it is already night time and over working hour.
Rize: This is an emergency we can't wait till dawn!
Rize bang on the door of the Cianwood Pharmacy despite the sign saying it is closed. After a while, the door opened.
Pharmacy Guy: Hey! Can't you read the sign?! It's closed after pass 7 PM!
Rize: This is an emergency! Lots of Pokemon in Olivine City and probaly other cities too have fallen sick due to a virus from drinking the Moo Moo Milk product!
Pharmacy Guy: I see... No fear cause I am here! Our herbs and medicines have been recognized and trusted for 500 years! Simple case like that is no big deal for my herbs! Wait for awhile and I'll make the herbs ready for you!
Rize: Really?! Thanks! Make it quick! The lighthouse Pokemon of Olivine City is sick too so now the Lighthouse is not lighting, it will be bad for the ships coming to Olivine City!
Pharmacy Guy: Don't worry... After I mix these berries and break them to tiny little pieces, pour it into my Shuckle's shell and Shuckle will make it to be a berry juice to cure the disease.

" Shuckle the Mold Pokemon. It is a Bug and Rock type Pokemon. It stores berries in its shell. The berries eventually ferment to become delicious juices. "
Rize: Wow amazing! But how come there's 2 different colour Schuckle?
Pharmacy: Haha this is the normal Schuckle and this one is special one! It's a different colour Pokemon called Shiny Pokemon! The Juices are ready! Here take them! I think this is enough for the whole Pokemon Centre! This is my Pokegear Number incase it's not enough just give me a call.
Rize: Allright Thanks alot! Sorry for disturbing you!
Pharmacy: No problem boy! " Such a young kid but already have a big heart coming here all the way by himself to get the cure.
Meanwhile in the Pokemon Centre at Olivine..
Nurse: This is bad! If they don't get cured right away the virus might get stronger and impossible to cure!
Rize hurried back to Olivine City after getting the Berry Juices from the Cianwood Pharmacy. Will he make it in time for the Pokemon to survive?
Shuckle Lv.25
ReplyDeleteShuckle* Lv.30