Rocket Boss: Hm! So Aethena have been caught.. but our mission in Johto must still continue.. Proton from now on you're the one in charge of Johto replacing Aethena! If you can succeed our plan, you will be promoted to be an Executive.
Proton: Yes sire! You can count on me!
It looks like there are still more of Team Rocket in Johto, meanwhile Rize is now heading to Blackthorn City for his last Gym Badge but first he have to go through the Ice Cave first.

Rize: It's so cold in here! Cyndaquil light up the fire in your back to make our surrounding warm!
Rize went further into the Ice Cave looking for the exit and he found a boy laying down on the ice floor, fainted. The boy have a grey semi curled hair, relatively tiny body and shorter than average of its age.
Rize: Look Cynda! A boy is fainted there! Let's save him!
Rize and Cyndaquil warm the boy up with flames and the boy woke up.
Boy: Uhh..
Rize: Hey you okay? What are you doing in this place?
Boy: My name's Antoine, I want to catch a Pokemon but I couldn't stand the cold..
Rize: Do you have any Fire Pokemon?
Antoine: No, I dont have any Pokemon yet.. that's why I want to catch my first Pokemon.. brrr...
Rize: Anyway we gotta get out of this cave first, let's go!
30 minutes later..
Rize: Damn! Just where's the exit of this cave?! It looks like we're walking in circle! "This is bad..I can't stand the cold any longer!"
A wild sneasel appeared and attacked Rize and Antoine.

Rize: Oh no! Not in a time like this! It must be angry because we're trespassing its territory.(Rize checked his Pokedex)
" Sneasel the Sharp Claw Pokemon. It is Dark and Ice type Pokemon. Sneasel is a smart and sneaky Pokemon. It is extremely vicious and will not stop attacking until its foe is incapable of moving. "
Antoine: That Pokemon! I want to catch that Pokemon!
Rize: "Catching it might be a good idea! After all it's a Pokemon that lives here and it must know the exit!" Cyndaquil let's go use Swift Attack!
Sneasel dodged Cyndaquil's Swift Attack with its agile speed and attacked Cyndaquil with Slash attack.
Rize: "It's too fast! Cyndaquil can't keep up with its speed and furthermore we can't use fire attacks in this place as it will melt the ices!" In that case! Aipom go! let's see who's faster!
The wild Sneasel attacked with Icy Wind.
Rize: Aipom Double Team!
Aipom dodged and confused Sneasel with its illusionary copies.
Rize: Aipom use Swift!
Sneasel dodged the whole copies and real Swift attacks but while it is busy dodging..
Rize: Now Cyndaquil use Flame Wheel!
Cyndaquil attacked Sneasel with Flame Wheel and hurt it badly until it couldn't stand up.
Rize: Antoine now throw your Pokeball!
Antoine threw his Pokeball and caught the wild Sneasel.
Antoine: I caught a Pokemon!! Thanks Rize!
After that they managed to find the exit thanks to Sneasel and finally they reached Blackthorn City.
Rize: Allright! Blackthorn City! Time to get the last badge!
Antoine: The last badge?! You already have 7 badges?! No wonder you're so great!
Rize have finally reached Blackthorn City and the Blackthorn Gym is just around the corner. What kind of Gym is the Blackthorn Gym?
Cyndaquil Lv.19
ReplyDeleteSneasel Lv.17