Guard: I'm sorry young kid! Only authorized people can go into the Tin Tower! I'm sorry but you will have to leave!
Rize: Can't tourist come and look around?? This is getting on my nerve!
Guard: This is a sacred place where the mighty Ho-oh once live in the past! Now leave already!
Rize: Fine! Who is this arrogant Ho-oh anyway?
Rize failed to visit the Tin Tower but there are 2 tower in Ecruteak City and he decided to went there.
Rize: So this is the Burned Tower? This one is abandoned and no need to be guarded huh? There might be nothing here but it's worth to check!
So Rize went inside the Burned Tower.

Man: Young kid! What brings you here? It's very rare for kids your age to come to place like this.
Rize: I'm just checking around.. who are you? and what are you doing here yourself here anyway?

Morty: I am Morty the Gym Leader in charge of Ecruteak City! I'm here accompanying my friend who have been researching and looking for the Legendary Pokemon that was born in this place!
Rize: Legendary Pokemon was born in this place?! What kind of Legendary Pokemon that born here?
Schumi: The Legendary Pokemon Entei, Raikou and Suicune!
Rize: Schumi?! Since when are you here?!
Morty: More kids shown up..
Schumi: I met with Raikou on my way to this city at route 38 so i decided to investigate on this Burned Tower and their legend more.
Morty: You met with Raikou??!!
Rize checked on his Pokedex of Raikou.

" Raikou the Thunder Pokemon. It is an Electric type. Raikou is said to have fallen with lightning. It can fire thunderbolts from the rain clouds on its back at will. "
Rize: So this is Raikou.. I met with a similar Pokemon like this but it's red in colour! I met with it at route 37 and since I don't know what's its name and it quickly ran off I couldn't scan it with the Pokedex.
Morty: Red colour? It could be Entei! Check with your Pokedex and type in Entei!
Rize type in Entei into its Pokedex entry.

" Entei the Volcano Pokemon. It is a Fire type. It is said that when it roars, a volcano erupts somewhere around the globe. "
Rize: Yes! This is the Pokemon I saw that time!!

Eusine: Amazing!! You kids have seen the Legendary Pokemon live with your eyes!! But the Legendary I've been searching for in 10 years is not those two but the other one of the trio which is Suicune! It is fast elegant and graceful! Beautiful and can't be described by words! It is so beautiful when it walk on water!
Rize checked Suicune in its Pokedex.

" Suicune the Aurora Pokemon. It is a Water type. It can instantly purify filthy, murky water. It is said that north winds will somehow blow whenever this Pokemon appears. "
Morty: I too have been looking for a Legendary Pokemon that once lived in this City. It's the mighty Ho-oh!
Rize: Oh yea! I tried to go to the Tin Tower before coming here and the guard mention about this Ho-oh! I thought it was somekind of arrogant human at first, so it's a Legendary Pokemon.. I wonder how it looks like.. let's check with the Pokedex.
Rize checked for Ho-oh in the Pokedex this time and..
" Ho-oh the Rainbow Pokemon. It is a Fire and Flying type. Legend claim this Pokemon flies the world's skies continuously on its magnificent, seven coloured wings. It is said that anyone seeing it is promised eternal happiness. "
Rize: This Pokemon!! I saw this rainbow coloured bird flying on the sky making rainbow when I first came to Johto by Ship!!

Morty: What?! You saw Ho-oh!! I don't believe it! You must be making up your story!
Rize: But it's true! What for do I tell lies?!
Schumi: Anyway why is Ho-oh not living at the Tin Tower anymore now?
Morty: That's the answer I've been seeking for for the past 10 years as well!
Rize learned alot about the Legend of Johto and Ecruteak City, will he be able to meet Ho-oh again and prove to Morty that he really saw Ho-oh? More legends is about to unfold as his journey continues..
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