Ling: You saw the Legendary Raikou on route 37?! I saw the Legendary Suicune before too right here on route 42! It saved me when I fell on to the river! That's why I came back here today hoping that I could see Suicune again.
Suddenly Eusine came out of no where and join the conversation.
Eusine: Speaking of Suicune! I have been searching for it for 10 years! There's no way that you can meet with Suicune that easily!
Ling: Who are you?
Rize: He's Eusine a Suicune fanatic freak he's been searching for Suicune for 10 years but he never saw it even once!
Suddenly Auroras and north wind started to appear and blows, the wind is cold.
Rize: What's up with the weather?!
Ling: This is how the weather when I first saw Suicune!!
Eusine: Really?! Then Suicune must be near! Ah! Look on top of Mt.Mortar's cliff!

Suicune was running gracefully on top of Mt.Mortar and ran further away from route 42 and the weather goes back to normal.
Eusine: What a view! I finally was able to see Suicune with my own eyes! It looks like what you say is true! Suicune even take a sight of you first before leaving! It must have sensed something extraoridinary from you!
Ling: Suicune noticed me?!
Rize: Wow that's so great!
Eusine: I got it now! In order to win Suicune's respect! I'm going to challenge you to a Pokemon Battle! I'm going to beat you kid! I'm going to show Suicune who's the worthy Trainer! Slowking go!

" Slowking the Royal Pokemon and the evolved form of Slowpoke. It is a Water and Psychic type. Slowking has incredible intellect and intuition. Whatever the situation, it remains calm and collected. "
Rize: Are you out of your mind? She's just a kid!
Ling: It's okay Rize! I take your challenge! Eevee go!

" Eevee the Evolution Pokemon. It is a Normal type. Its irregularly configured DNA is affected by its surroundings. It evolves if its environment changes. "
Ling: Eevee use Quick Attack!
Eusine: What a naive attack! Psychic Slowking!
Slowking's Psychic stopped Eevee's Quick Attack move and hurt Eevee but Eevee began to shine and evolved!

Rize: It evolved!(Checked his Pokedex)
" Espeon the Sun Pokemon and one of the evolved form of Eevee. It is a Psychic type. Its fur has the look and feel of velvet. The orb on its forehead glows when it uses psycho-power. "
Ling: Now it's a battle between Psychic type! Espeon Bite attack!
Eusine: Hyper Beam!
Before Espeon could bite Slowking, Slowking used Hyper Beam and knocked out Espeon.
Eusine: I guess a kid is a kid afterall, I really didn't know what Suicune sees in you! Suicune did you see that?! I won! I'm stronger and more worthy to be your owner!!(Eusine left Rize and Ling)
Ling: I'm really not good at battling..
Rize: Not really, it's just that the opponent's too tough. I don't think I could defeat him either.. anyway you should be glad that your Eevee evolved!
Ling; Yes! You're right!
Rize: Let's hurry and bring your Espeon to Mahogany's Pokemon Centre!
Rize and Ling left route 42 and went to Mahogany Town. Next Gym is the Mahogany Gym!
Eevee Lv.12
ReplyDeleteSlowking Lv.37
Espeon Lv.18