Referee: The Gym battle between Rize the challenger and Jason the Jr.Gym Leader is about to begin! It's a 1 on 1 match! Trainers begin!
Rize: Heracross go!
Jason: Ha! Forretress go!

" Forretress the Bagworm Pokemon and the evolved form of Pineco. It is Bug and Steel type. Forretress entire body is shielded by a steel-hard shell. What lurks inside this shell is a total mystery. "
Jason: It's a battle of Bug type! But too bad my Forretress is also a Steel type!
Rize: It doesn't matter because Heracross is also a Fighting type! Heracross Brick Break!
Jason: Forretress Iron Defense!
Heracross smashed Forretress hard with Brick Break but Forretress took very little damage.
Rize: What?! Let's try another Brick Break!
Heracross smashed Forretress hard this time untill even the floor is cracked but Forretress still barely felt it.
Jason: It's useless no matter how many times you do it! Forretress Gyro Ball!
Heracross was hit with Gyro Ball.
Rize: You okay Heracross?! " What am I suppose to do? Our strongest move is not even affecting it! "
Jason: Nothing can go trough our defense! I'm the future Iron Wall of Johto replacing Jasmine!
Jasmine: You still have long way to go Jason!
Rize: " I can't imagine how strong Jasmine is if this guy is this strong! Hey what's that?! There's a crack on Forretress forhead! Allright then! " Heracross use Horn Attack on that crack opening in Forretress forhead!
Jason: What?!
Heracross striked Horn Attack at the crack and Forretress seems to be taking much damage!
Jason: Forretress use Gyro Ball!
Rize: Grab it and stop its spinning!
Heracross grabbed Forretress and stop its spinning attack.
Jason: How's that possible?!
Rize: Carry it up as high as you can and use Seismic Toss!!
Heracross carried Forretress into the air but due to Forretress weight it can't live it up so high.
Jason: I won't let you win! At least I'm taking you down with me! Forretress use Self-destruct!
Rize: Heracross throw it away now!!
Heracross used Seismic Toss and tossed Forretress to the ground and Forretress used Self-destruct when it reached the ground but the explosion didn't reach Heracross on air and thus Forretress knock itself down.
Referee: Forretress is unable to battle! Winner is Heracross and Rize the challenger!
Jason: Oh noo!!! I'm such a fool!!!
Jasmine: Well done Rize! You're a great Trainer! I wish we could battle one day! Here take your Jr.Mineral badge!
Rize: We will one day! and ofcourse I'm going to win!

Rize have earned his 5th badge! Next he's going back to Cianwood City this time not for medicine but for a badge!
Heracross Lv.30
ReplyDeleteForretress Lv.25