Rize: Yes! Now my Pokegear have the radio application! I can tune into the radio and listen to music anywhere I want!
He then continued his journey to route 35 and met with someone unexpected.
Rize: Jin! We meet again!
Jin: Hey Rize! Are you going to the Pokeathlon Dome too?
Rize: Pokeathlon Dome? What's that?
Jin: You don't know? Come with me then!
Jin brought Rize to the Pokeathlon Dome which was also connected with the National Park.

Jin: This is the Pokeathlon Dome! This is the place where Trainers and their Pokemon compete together in sports as an Athlete. In other words! This is the place if you want to become the Pokemon Athlete!
Rize: Pokemon Athlete? Never heard of it! But cool! Can I give a try?
Jin: Ofcourse you can! I'm coming here to try too!
???: Well Goodluck to both of you then!

Jin: Wow! Whitney of the Golden Rod Gym! I heard that not only she's an exellent Gym Leader but also an exellent Athlete!
Whitney: So which category are you kids going to compete?
Jin: Rize let's compete in the Power category if you don't mind! We'll see whose Pokemon is stronger base on power and strength!
Rize: Bring it on!
Whitney: The Power category not only test on your Pokemon's power and strength but also in its endurance as well! For your age category you will be given a set of 10 brick plates and your Pokemon have to destroy as many sets of 10 brick plates in 1 minute! Those who destroyed the most is the winner! The Trainers have to help setting the brick plates too! So this is a teamwork between Trainers and Pokemon therefore Trainers who focus on this was called an Athlete instead of Trainers.
Jin: Cool! Can't wait for it!
Rize and Jin registered for the Pokeathlon power category and it is tomorrow noon.
Meanwhile at night..
Rize: Marshtomp let's practice! We'll definitely going to win with your power and Rock Smash attack!
Just when Rize was practicing with Marshtomp, the Pokemon Egg Rize received from the Day Care Lady appear to be hatching and a strong looking Pokemon is born from it.

Rize checked his Pokedex.
" Tyrogue the Scuffle Pokemon. It is a Fighting type. It is always bursting with energy. To make itself stronger, it keeps on fighting even if loses. "
Rize: Cool! Tyrouge a Fighting type Pokemon! What perfect timing! Welcome to my team Tyrogue!
The next day, the Pokeathlon competition is finally starting and there was 5 participants for each competition is held.
Judge: Allright Athletes!! Get your Pokemon and yourself ready as we will begin the competition very soon!
Rize: Tyrouge ready! Let's do it like last night! I'm counting on you!
Jin: Sudowoodo let's win the medal!

Rize: " That's Jin's new Pokemon? " Rize checked on his Pokedex.
" Sudowoodo the Imitation Pokemon. It is a Rock type. Altough it always pretends to be a tree, its composition appears more similar to rock than to vegetation. "
Judge: Athletes begin!!
Rize: Tyrogue Rock Smash! let's destroy them all in 2 hits!
Jin: Sudowoodo let's destroy them all in 1 clean hit! Brick Break!
Rize: What!? 1 hit?! Brick Break?! "Tch no time to worry on others! Focus on our own tasks!"
55 seconds later..
Rize: You can do it Tyrogue!!
Jin: 1 more set!
Rize: 1 more hit!
Judgel: Ok Athletes and Pokemon stop right there or you will be eliminated! We will begin to count on the destroyed brick plates now.
After a few momments.
Judge: Allright we have the winner! The winner is Jin with a score of 120+10 leading points! A total of 130 points! and 2nd we got Rize with a score of 60+20 effort points! A total of 80 points! That's quite a gap between the 1st and the 2nd, next for the 3rd we have...
Rize: We didn't make it Tyrogue but you're great!
Jin: Haha! My Pokemon is stronger than yours Rize!
Rize: This Tyrogue just hatched from its egg yesterday, its natural that it can't compete with your strong Sudowoodo.
Jin: Hahaha! Whatever I'm still the winner.
Rize: Yeah! Congratulations Jin!
Whitney: Congratulations Jin! Remember Pokemon and Trainers/Athletes have to grow strong together! Trainers have to train as well not just the Pokemon!
Rize&Jin: Yes!!
Whitney: Jin maybe you can be the Champion in Pokeathlon! Hehe..
Judge: And we award Jin with the Bronze Power Medal! Let's all give a round of applause for our winner this time!
So Rize lost to Jin in the Pokeathlon Power category competition but that doesn't bring him down, instead he got a new member on his team that is very strong ready for battles! Next Gym is in Ecruteak City! Stay tune!
Tyrogue Lv.7
ReplyDeleteSudowoodo Lv.15