Yin: At last I found you! This time I'm going to crush you!
Schumi: Who's this brat?
Rize: He's a new trainer, I met him when I first came to Johto in Prof.Elm's lab when he first pick his starter Pokemon.
Yin: Who do you think you are calling me brat?! I have things to settle with this bastard!
Rize: Who are you calling a bastard?! Watch your manner kid! Let's settle this once and for all then!
Schumi: I'll see how good is this brat then..
Yin: Croconaw crush them!

" Croconaw the Big Jaw Pokemon and the evolved form of Totodile. Once it bites down, it won't let go until it loses its fangs. New fangs quickly grow into place. "
Rize: So your Totodile has evolved.. Marshtomp let's beat them again!
Yin: Croconaw use Slash attack!
Rize: Marshtomp Rock Smash!
Marshtomp and Croconaw go head to head with their physical attacks but even tough Marsthomp's power is greater, Marshtomp appear to be having difficulties in keeping up with Croconaw's speed and Croconaw landed more hits than Marshtomp.
Yin: Croconaw Aqua Tail!
Croconaw hit Marshtomp with Aqua Tail.
Rize: He may be faster but we have greater defense! Marshtomp use Ice Beam to stop its movement!
Yin: Croconaw dodge and use Ice Fang!
Croconaw dodged Marshtomp's Ice Beam and biten Marshtomp's left arm and froze it.
Rize: Marshtomp use Rock Smash with your right arm to break the ice!
Marshtomp break free the frozen arm with Rock Smash.
Yin: Tch! Croconaw Crunch!
Rize: Marshtomp Mud Bomb!
Marshtomp unleashed a close range Mud Bomb when Croconaw is charging to Marshtomp and knocked it out.
Rize: I guess you still have to train harder..
Yin: Damn it! You only won because my Pokemon is weak! I hate the weak! People! Pokemon! You are no exception!
Yin dashed away and left Rize and Schumi instantly.
Schumi: He's weak! And you have quite a hard time with that brat, so after all this time you only improved this much?
Rize: What?! How many badges do you have now anyway?! I already got 4!
Schumi: I got 6 already and now I'm going to Mahogany Town to get my 7th badge. Make sure you train hard even tough it will be useless against me..
Rize: How arrogant!
Rize have defeated Yin once again but he still have unfinished matter to settle with his oldest and strongest rival Schumi! Will he be able to beat Schumi?!
Marshtomp Lv.27
ReplyDeleteCroconaw Lv.20