Rize: Isn't the weather great today guys! The music really fits the environment too!
Suddenly a loud voice of siren can be heard.
Siren Voice: Attention to all Trainers! Today is Thursday and that means it's the Bug Catching Contest! It will be held at 4:00 PM. For those who want to participate please register now as registration will close at 3:00 PM, Thank you!
Rize: Bug Catching Contest? Sounds cool! Let's give it a try! I don't have any Bug type Pokemon either!
Rize decided to participate in the contest and registered.
People in crowd: Hey look it's Bugsy the Bug specialist Gym Leader from Azalea Town! Is he participating today? Oh my! I won't be able to make it if he participate today! Was wes wos..

Rize: " Bugsy? Gym Leader? Who cares.. He looks weak and I even hardly tell wether he's a man or a woman. I'm still going to win!"
FeiChong: Rize you're participating in this contest?!
Rize: FeiChong! Are you always everywhere when there is Bug Pokemon??
Announcer: You will be given 1 Park Ball and catch 1 Bug Pokemon in 30 minutes. After the time ends we will gather around and do a classification which Trainer have caught the best Bug type! At the end of the contest you can keep the Pokemon and put the Pokemon in your own Pokeballs. Now Trainers ready? Contest begin! Good luck to all of you for the next 30 minutes!!
Rize: Bug Pokemon... Where are you...
Bugsy: There's a way to look for Bug Pokemon faster and easier, I sliced honey on this tree and Bug Pokemon will start gathering here to eat the honey!
After afew momment, lots of Bug Pokemon began to swarm on to the tree with the honey.

Rize: " He's really an expert in catching Bug Pokemon!" What are you waiting for? Aren't you gonna catch any 1 of them or are you waiting for them to finish eating?
Bugsy: Nope.. The one I want is not here yet..
Suddenly a big strong Bug Pokemon fly towards the tree and drive all the other Bug Pokemon away so that it is eating the honey alone. The other Bug Pokemon also seems to be affraid to be on its way.

Rize: Wow! What's that?! All the other Bug Pokemon even make way for it! It must be the ruler here or something! (Rize checked on his Pokedex)
" Heracross the Singlehorn Pokemon. It is a Bug and Fighting type. It loves sweet honey. To keep all the honey to itself, it hurls rivals away with its prized horn. "
Bugsy: Yes Heracross! I've been waiting for you! Now you're going to be mine!
Rize: No way! I'm catching this Heracross!
Bugsy: I'm the one who lured it here! It's mine!
Rize: No such thing as that! Anybody is free to catch whichever Pokemon!
Rize threwed a stone to the Heracross who is happily enjoying the honey and was mocked by the stone as it is disturbed. It went on rampage!
The Pokedex began to speak by itself and told further information about Heracross.
" It is usually docile, but if it is disturbed while sipping honey, it chases off its intruder with its horn. "
Bugsy: What have you done?! Look you've made it difficult to capture!
The Heracross attacked Bugsy and Rize.
Bugsy: Here it comes! Park Ball go!
Bugsy threw the Park Ball to Heracross but Heracross slap back the Park Ball back to Bugsy!
Bugsy: Damn! It's all your fault! Now how are you going to catch it yourself?
Rize: Hm hm hm~.. Park Ball go!
This time Rize threw his Park Ball to Heracross but Heracross didn't slap it but instead catches it and was absorbed into the Park Ball and captured.
Bugsy: How?! How did you do that??!!
Rize: Heheheh... I polished the Park Ball and even the inside of it with your honey while you're busy with the Heracross. The Heracross must have smelled the honey from the Park Ball and that's why it went in by itself..
Bugsy: What the?! You thief!! " I didn't even know that's possible!"
Announcer: Time's up! Everyone please gather at the front of the gate.
For today's Bug Catching Contest! We have Rize who captured the Heracross who was the ruler of all Bug Pokemon in the National Park as the winner!! And he is awarded with the Soothe Bell! Let's all give him around of applause!
FeiChong: No wayyy!!! How could my splendid Yanma lost!! And how did Bugsy even lost to him!!
Rize: Yeah! Welcome to my team Heracross!!
However, the Heracross seems to be not friendly to Rize and ignored Rize. Is there anything wrong with the newly caught Heracross??
Heracross Lv.30