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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Chapter 83 - Lake of Rage! Rage of the Red Gyarados!

Rize arrived at the Mahogany Lake and found a huge red Pokemon rampaging, angry and trashed everything on its path. Ling is struggling trying his best to calm the raging Pokemon.

" Gyarados the Atrocious Pokemon. It is a Water and Flying type Pokemon. Once it begins to rampage, it will burn everything down even in harsh storm. "

Rize: The information that the Pokedex gave was terrifying! Ling! Are you okay?!
Ling: I'm fine! Meganium is now holding it tight with Vine Whip and Flaffy have paralysed it with Thunder Wave.

Rize: But what should we do to calm this Pokemon?! It doesn't looks like Meganium could hold it any longer to me!
Ling: I think we should catch it!
Rize: Right! Pokeball go!
The red Gyarados was absorbed into the Pokeball but break out free from the Pokeball as soon as it went in and continue on its rampage.
Rize: It's too strong to be captured!
The red Gyarados unleashed a powerful Aqua Tail and striked Rize and Ling, their Pokemon Meganium, Marshtomp and Flaffy try to block the attack but all three of them are not strong enough to block it and they all took the hit and Flaffy is fainted. Suddenly an attack came from no where and attacked the red Gyarados. It was Schumi with its Pokemon.

Schumi: Stay out of this! I'll take care of this Pokemon! Noctowl another Air Slash!
Schumi's Noctowl attacked with a Powerful Air Slash! The red Gyarados endured it and attack with Hydro Pump but Schumi's Noctowl dodged all of the Hydro Pumps.
Rize: Incredible!
Schumi: Noctowl Hypnosis!
The red Gyarados fall into Noctowl's Hypnosis and fall to sleep and Schumi throw a Heavy Ball a special Pokeball made by Kurt from Apricorn to catch Heavy Pokemon. Just when the Ball about to make contact with Gyarados, someone interecept and knock the Ball away.
???: Do you think I will let you catch our source of big bucks?!

Schumi: Who are you?!
???:You don't need to know kids.. but you're going to die here anyway so I'll tell you! I'm the Executive of Team Rocket, Aethena! Now die! Octillery attack!

Just when  things are finally on our heroes side, another obstacle appeared and this time an even more dangerous one which is a criminal organization Team Rocket! Will the 3 of them be able to beat Team Rocket?! Find out on the next chapter!

1 comment:

  1. Marshtomp Lv.28
    Flaffy Lv.16
    Meganium Lv.26

    Noctowl* Lv.29
    Gyarados* Lv.35
