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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Chapter 78 - the Legend of the Whirl Islands!

After defeating the Olivine Gym, Rize set sail once again to Cianwood City to battle the Gym there. Along the way he is enjoying the beautiful scenary of the sea and with  the sea Pokemon dancing and playing on the water surface.

Rize checked with his Pokedex the Pokemon he saw.
Rize: Mantine is so cool! Water and Flying type!
Fisherman: Yes kid! Mantine is a very cool Pokemon! I'm a fisherman and I collect Water Pokemon around this area.
Rize: You must have a cool collection of Water Pokemon!
Fisherman: Yes take a look at my cute Corsola and Qwilfish!

Rize: Mr.Fisherman, you said that you collect water Pokemon from this area right? Do you happen to know what are and what's on those islands?
Fisherman: Ahh those islands are called the Whirl Islands! I heard of a Legend that a sea creature is living deep inside that Island's sea and act as the Guardian of the Sea! When I was there at night sometimes I heard a loud cry of something! It must be the Sea Guardian!
Rize: Really?! That's a very cool legend!
Fisherman: So boy do you have a Water Pokemon?
Rize send out Marshtomp.
Fisherman: What Pokemon is this?! Where do you get it?! I never see it in my whole life!!
Rize: Hehe I'm from the Hoenn region and this is my first Pokemon Marshtomp.
Fisherman: I see... I must visit Hoenn one day! I heard Hoenn have lots of Water Pokemon!
Rize: Yes Hoenn is the known as the Water land region!
Fisherman: Hey boy let's have a battle on the sea water! How bout it?
Rize: Okay! Marshtomp let's go!
Fisherman: Lanturn go!

" Lanturn the Light Pokemon and the evolved form of Chinchou. It is a Water and Electric type. Lanturn's light can shine up from great depths. It is nicknamed " The Deep Sea Star." "

Fisherman: Get ready for some surprise! Lanturn Charge!
Rize: Marshtomp use Rock Smash!
Marshtomp hit Lanturn with Rock Smash while Lanturn is charging its power.
Fisherman: We will win in one shot! Lanturn Thunder Bolt!
Lanturn unleashed a very powerful Thunder Bolt and Marshtomp is drowned into the water.
Fisherman: Hahahah! Looks like I've won boy!
Rize: Marshtomp now come out and use Mud Bomb!
Marshtomp came out of the water looking good and use Mud Bomb and knocked out Lanturn.
Fisherman: What?! But how?!
Rize: Marshtomp is not only a Water type but also a Ground type.. hehehe...
Fisherman: I see... no wonder you're so calm..
As time goes by during their battle, the Cianwood Island is already visible and only a few more hours to reach. Next is the Cianwood Gym! What kind of Gym is the Cianwood Gym?!

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