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Sunday, November 7, 2010

Chapter 14 - Team Magma Appeared!

In order to go to Lavaridge Town, one must take the cable car from route 112. Unfortunately a mysterious people in red uniform appear to be blocking the entrance to the cable car.
Rize: Excuse me I need to take the cable car.

???: No kid! You are not allowed to pass! Go home! It's dangerous here the Volcano is about to Erupt!
Rize: What?! No way! I better tell everyone!
???:  No kid don't!
Rize: Why not?! It's something important we should warn everyone!
Suddenly somebody running in a rush came.
Man: They're the bad guy kid! They're Team Magma! They're up to no good!
Rize: What?! And who are you?!
???: I am Proffesor Cosmo! They tricked me to guide them to the Meteorite in Meteor Falls and stole them to do something bad here to the Volcano!
Magma Grunt: Damn it! You're not going to get through here! Dustox go stop them!

Rize: Oh no you don't! Mudkip Water Gun!
Mudkip's Water Gun knocked out Dustox and knocked back the Magma Grunt and they together with Prof.Cosmo Rize went to take the cable car up to Mt.Chimney in order to stop Team Magma.
They have arrived to the top of Mt.Chimney and met with the Magma Grunts who were about to use the Meteorite on some weird machines to do some weird activity.
Prof.Cosmo: Stop right there Team Magma! What do you intend to do with Mt.Chimney with the Meteorite?!
Magma Grunt: Ohh It's Prof.Cosmo.. welcome! You're about to see something amazing! With this power of the Meteorite we will awaken something that is asleep deep inside this Volcano!
Prof.Cosmo: What?! Are you crazy?! If you use the Meteorite Mt.Chimney's Volcano might Erupt and many people will die! Not only that but you people will also die!
Magma Grunt: Hahaha We won't know until we try! I don't believe in you! I believe in my Boss! Besides even if I die I will die in honour to Team Magma!
Prof.Cosmo: You're crazy!
Rize: Mudkip Take Down! Aron Metal Claw! Together destroy that machine!
Mudkip and Aron attacked the machine and broke it.
Rize: Now to finish it Vulpix Ember!
Vulpixs' ember attack triggered the machine to explosion and completely destroyed it.
Magma Grunt: Nooo!!! Look at what you've done!! You'll pay for this!!!

???: Stop it! The Prof. was right! Enough with this plan! It's canceled! We will retreat now!
Rize: Wait! Who are you?!
Maxie: I am Maxie! The Boss of Team Magma! Kid you're too young to understand our mission! I will forgive you this time, however if you dare to mess with Team Magma's plan again we shall have no mercy on you!
And the whole Team Magma left in an instant.
Prof.Cosmo: Thanks for your help kid! Couldn't have done it without you! Luckily that their leader appear to understand the danger of it.
What is Team Magma's objective and mission?! What being is sleeping deep inside Mt.Chimney?! Find out on the next Chapter!

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