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Monday, November 8, 2010

Chapter 16 - Pokemon Egg?

Rize have just earned his 4th badge from Lavaridge Town and he remembered that Lavaridge Town is famous for its nice hot spring facillity so he decided to try it while he's there. He then met with an unexpected person.
Rize: You.. you're Brendan! The Petalburg Gym Leader's son!
Brendan: Hey! It's been a while! So how are you doing?
Rize: I got 4 badges now! Oh yeah! Let's have a rematch! I wanna earn the badge from Petalburg Gym too!
Brendan: Nahh I'm not the Gym Leader okay.. why don't you go to the Petalburg Gym and challange the Gym Leader there.
Rize: No! I want to have a rematch with you! I don't accept losing with you!
Brendan: I'm also going to participate in the Hoenn League Junior Category, if you really wanna have a rematch with me why don't we battle there?
Rize: Hey there's no guarantee that you will make it there!
Brendan: I got 5 badges already and you think I can't make it yourself?
Rize: Ha you just got 1 extra badge from your father right?
Brendan: No I beat the Tommy fair and square.
Rize: Then prove it to me!
The two argued endlessly in the hotspring until Mudkip and Skitty found something inside the water of the hotspring.

Rize: What have you found Mudkip?
Brendan: It's a.. a Pokemon Egg!! What it's doing here?!
Rize: Pokemon Egg? I never knew Pokemon is born from an egg..
Brendan: Whatever, this egg is mine.
Rize: What?! It was my Mudkip who found it!
Brandon: So do my Skitty!
Rize: Okay.. to be fair, let's have a battle to decide whose egg is this and also if I win you I can get the Petalburg Gyn Badge. How's that? Sounds good right? Like killing 2 birds with 1 stone.
Brendan: Sounds like a great idea! It's a deal!
The two agreed and head back to Petalburg City together.
Brendan: I know a fast way to Petalburg City from here.
Rize: Okay you lead the way I just follow you.
Will Rize win the rematch and get the Badge as well as the Egg? And what is the Pokemon to be born from inside the egg? Could it be a never before seen Pokemon? Find out on the next chapter!

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