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Monday, November 1, 2010

Chapter 7 - To Dewford Town!

Rize just earned himself his very first official Pokemon League Gym Badge and is about to continue on his adventure but..
Man: Stop! Please don't take my Goods!
Rize heard a man shouting as if he was robbed and he saw an Aqua Grunt running being chased by the man he saved before. However this time, an old man is there to stop the Grunt.
Old Man: Peecko(Wingul) stop that man with your Wing Attack!
Aqua Grunt: Stupid old man! Poochyena Finish that weak Wingul!
The Aqua Grunt's Poochyena knocked down the old man's Wingul with Take Down! Rize then stepped in to lend a help.
Rize: Mudkip Water Gun!
Mudkip Knocked down the Aqua Grunt's Poochyena.
Aqua Grunt: Damn! It's you again!! I better get out of here quick!
The Aqua Grunt fled away instantly in fear of Rize.
Man: Wait! The Goods!
Rize: Don't worry! When he was busy facing my Mudkip, my Taillow have snatched the goods from him.
Old Man: Kid thanks for helping my Wingul, I am Mr. Briney and I live in the cottage near Petalburg Woods. If you need any help don't be shy to ask me, I will try to help as much as I can.
Rize: Thanks Mr.Briney! That's so kind of you but right now I don't need any help.
Man: Rize could you come to Devon Corporation with me for awhile?
Rize went to Devon Corporation with the man and meet with the President of Devon Corporation, Mr. Stone.
Mr.Stone: Rize is it? I've heard that you've saved my staff not just once but twice! You're such a great and brave trainer with a kind heart! That kind of Trainer is very rare!
Rize: Thanks, your words is too kind.
Mr.Stone: Anyway Rize, could you lend us a hand one more time? You see this Devon Good that was targetted by Team Aqua is a very important goods that must be handed to Capt.Stern in Slateport City. It will be safer if you're the one who is transporting this good as Team Aqua will not know about it.
Rize: Sure no problem! It's a pleasure to help!
Mr.Stone: Oh and one more thing, on the way to Slateport City could you go to Dewford Town to hand this Letter to a guy name Steven for me? He is the Pokemon Champion for the Open Category, I'm sure you recognized him. I heard that you're collecting Gym badges as well right? There's a Gym in Dewford Town so it will be a worth trip, besides maybe you can get Steven to teach a thing or two in Battles.
Rize: Steven the Champion??!! I can't believe I can meet him in person!! Allright I will go right away!!
Mr.Stone: Haha, you're so excited eh? It's so good to be young. Here take this, it's another present from me.
It's called Pokenav our latest production of Pokegadget and it is not on sale yet! With this Pokenav you can do so many things such as checking where is your current location on this Hoenn region and making a phone call.
Rize: Thanks alot Mr.Stone! I'm going now! See you again!
Mr.Stone: Becareful of Team Aqua!
Rize received the Letter and the goods and went straight to cross Petalburg Woods again to take a ship to go to Dewford Town.
Mr.Stone: Oh my! He went already! I haven't give him the money to take on the ship to go to Dewford Town and Slateport City!
Rize have came out from the Petalburg Woods and is ready to board a ship until he realize that he don't have the money to take the trip and then he meet with someone he could count on.
Mr.Briney: Hey Rize! Good to see you here! So what brings you here?
Rize told him the story
Mr.Briney: No worry! I am a retired Sailor! Come with my board and I will take you to your destination!
Rize set sail to Dewford Town with Mr.Briney. What will happen to Rize in Dewford Town? Find out on the next chapter!!

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