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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Chapter 23 - Strong opponent! Aqua Executive Appeared!

Continuing from the last chapter, Rize met with a Pokemon Ranger, Luffy and are now together going in once again to the Abandoned Ship to stop Team Aqua's affairs.
Rize: Team Aqua! What are you planning on this place now?!
Aqua Grunt: It's you again?! That's non of your business! You better go home boy! You'll be sorry to be messing around with Team Aqua!
Rize: I beat you once! Furthermore I have a Pokemon Ranger with me now!
Aqua Grunt: Hey isn't that the little Ranger that we beat down yesterday? Lol! This time is different we have our executive with us!
Rize noticed that the Ghost type Pokemon he saw yesterday was all fainted on the ground.
Rize: What did you do to the Pokemon here?! And where's Prof.Stem?!
???: They were a disturbance to us so we give them some punishment! Prof.Stem?! We didn't meet anybody since we arrive here.. By the way I am Shelly the great Executive of Team Aqua!

Luffy: Rize, they don't seem to be lying about not seeing anybody here, maybe the Prof. you're talking about have found what he seek and left this ship!
Shelly: We didn't find what we are looking for here but it's fine we got a change of plan anyway.. how about having some fun first now you kid! I heard that you're the one who put a stop to our plan in Petalburg Woods so let me see what you got!
Aqua Grunt: Our Executive is going to take you on! You're gonna die kid!
Rize: Huh! Bring it on! Aron go!
Shelly: Mightyena attack use Howl!

" Mightyena the bite Pokemon. It is a Dark type. It chases down a prey in a peck. It will never disobey the commands of a skilled Trainer."

Rize: I don't know what you're howling for but I'm gonna attack! Aron use Metal Claw!
Shelly: Now use Scary Face!
Aron got scared and the attack failed.
Shelly: Crunch Attack!
Aron was knocked out by Crunch attack.
Rize: That's impossible! A Dark Type attack is not effective against a Steel Type!
Luffy: She's not using Howl for nothing! By using Howl, her Mightyena increased it's attack stats!
Shelly: Is that all you got?! I'm upset, come on entertain me!
Rize: Shut up! Vulpix use Confuse Ray!
Vulpix used Confuse Ray and Mightyena is confused thus attacking itself with it's increased attack and knocked out itself.
Rize: How do you like that?!
Shelly: It looks like I take you too lightly, but now prepare to meet your worst nightmare! Sharpedo attack!

" Sharpedo the bite Pokemon. It is a Water and Dark type. Sharpedo can swim at speeds of 75 mph by jetting seawater through its body. It is known as "The Bully of the Sea". "

Shelly: Sharpedo Hydro Pump!
Vulpix couldn't take Hydro Pump and was knocked out.
Shelly: fufufu let me give you some advantage, why don't use all your remaining Pokemon against me?
Rize: If that's what you want! Mudkip! Swellow! Snorunt! Attack!
Shelly: Only 3? Hydro Pump on all of them!
Swellow, Snorunt and Mudkip was hit with the powerful Hydro Pump and all knocked out in an instant except for Mudkip due to its type resistance.
Rize: Noo! Mudkip stay strong!
Shelly: Hahaha! Finish that little one with Crunch!
Sharpedo used Crunch on Mudkip and knocked it out.
Shelly: I guess a kid is still a kid.. You Grunts are pathetic to be beaten by a mere kid!
Luffy: Sealeo Ice Beam!
Sealeo attacked Sharpedo with Ice Beam, however..
Shelly: Oh Ranger don't even think about it! You want your second defeat? Sharpedo dodge it with your agillity and Crunch!
Sharpedo avoided Ice Beam with it's agile speed and knocked out Sealeo with Crunch!
Shelly: Since you are so weak there's no any need to dispose you, we will be leaving now we cannot waste anymore time here. So long losers...
Aqua Grunt: Take that you brat! You're lucky that our Executive spare your life this time!
The whole Team Aqua left the ship leaving our heroes in defeat and in great shock.
Rize: " He beat all 3 of my Pokemon! That's nonsense!!"
Luffy: Ranger report sir! I am sorry I have failed on my mission again but Team Aqua also didn't get what they wanted.
Ranger Leader: As long as Team Aqua don't get what they want it's a mission clear! Get back to headquarters as soon as possible for your next mission!
Luffy: Roger sir! (The line ended) Rize let's leave this place!
Rize and Luffy left the Abandoned Ship and head to Slateport City to heal and rest their Pokemon and themself.
What is Team Aqua's change of plan due to not getting what they wanted now?! Stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Aron Lv.13
    Vulpix Lv.12
    Snorunt Lv.12
    Swellow Lv.15
    Mudkip Lv.14

    Mightyena Lv.21
    Sharpedo Lv.23
