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Monday, November 1, 2010

Chapter 5 - Torrent Activated!

Just when Wally's Wurmple was about to receive Poochyena's bite attack, Wurmple seems to be glowing in light!
Wally: Wurmple what's wrong?!
The light diminished and Wurmple is out of sight, instead a new Pokemon is there!
Rize: It evolved into Silcoon!
Poochyena bite attack was ineffective in the first place and with Silcoon high defense it is hurting the Poochyena itself instead.
Wally: Alright! Silcoon Tackle!
Aqua Grunt: Poochyena all of you use Take Down!!
The whole Poochyena Knocked out Wally's new evolved Silcoon with Take Down.
Wally: Silcoon No..!!
Aqua Grunt: HaHaHa it's useless now! Give it up!
Suddenly this time it was Rizes' Mudkip that is glowing in light, this time with a strong blue coloured light.
Rize: Mudkip can you still battle? What's happening to you?
Rize checked the Pokedex and found out about Torrent.

" Torrent, It increases its Water type power in pinch. "

Rize: Cool! I never knew you had this abillity all this time! Mudkip Water Gun!
Mudkip unleashed a powerful big Water Gun to the whole Aqua Grunts and their Pokemon. The power of the water is strong enough to knocked down all the Poochyena and even making all of the Aqua Grunts unconscious.
Rize: Mudkip we did it! You're incredible!
Wally: What power!
They then tied up all of the Aqua Grunts and the Poochyena with Silcoon's String Shot.
Man: Thank you all very much! You saved my life!
Wally: It's a pleasure to help.
Man: Anyway those Poochyena, I pity them all, if a Pokemon is owned by an evil person the Pokemon will be evil as well. Anyway I have to rush to Rustboro now, there's still things to finish. Be sure to come to Devon Corporation if you guys come to Rustboro alright! See you! (The man left)
Wally: Rize let's get out of this woods! It's dangerous here!
Rize: You go on ahead, I still have unfinished matter here.
Wally: Okay then goodbye for now.
Rize: Now where is that Aron?!
Rize stayed in the woods to look for Aron. After several hours finding he finally foung the Aron he's looking for.
Rize: Mudkip Water Gun!
The Aron tried to get away with Dig again.
Rize: This time we're not going to let it escape! Mudkip use Water Gun into the hole that Aron made!
Mudkip used its Water Gun on the hole and forced Aron to come out from the ground.
Rize: Now another Water Gun!
Aron was hit by Water Gun and took big damage.
Rize: Pokeball Go!
Rize captured the Aron he wanted, After that Rize hurried to Rustboro City to let his Pokemon treated from their injuries and spent the night there.
Meanwhile in Petalburg Woods.
Aqua Executive: Finally I foung you all! Hey wake up all of you! What happen here? What's with these strings that tied you all!
Aqua Grunt: Just when we're going to get those papers 2 kids interrupted us.
Aqua Executive: Kids?! The 8 of you got defeated by 2 kids?! You're all a disgrace to Team Aqua!
Aqua Grunt: Please forgive us! But those kids are strong! especially the one with the blue jacket!
Aqua Executive: No Excuses! I'm going to report this to the Boss! Anyway we got work to do in Rustboro City Tomorrow! Now get going!
What is Team Aqua's plan in Rustbori City? What will happen Tomorrow in Rustboro City? Find out on the next chapter!

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