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Monday, November 1, 2010

Chapter 6 - Rustboro Gym Battle!

The next day, Rize is ready to challenger the Rustboro Gym after a certain preparation.Rize entered the Gym. The Gym have a rocky battle arena with spectator seats around it. There are other people sitting on the spectator seats, probably some of them are members of the Gym. It looks like a Pokemon battle have just ended and the challenger was..
Referee: Raltz is unable to battle! Victory goes to the Gym Leader!
Rize: Wally! You lost again?!
Wally: Yeah.. The Leader's Pokemon is so strong!

Roxanne: Well well ofcourse he is strong, he's the best in class of  Rustboro Pokemon School that's why I assigned him to be the Junior Gym Leader. So are you the next challenger? Good Luck..
Rize: Who are you? Thanks but I don't need Luck.
Roxanne: You sure are confident! I am the Open Category Gym Leader as well as a Teacher in Rustboro Pokemon School.
Referee: The Gym Battle between Rize the challenger against Tommy the Junior Gym Leader will soon begin. It's a 1 on 1 Pokemon Battle! Begin!
Tommy: Nosepass go!

" Nosepass, the Compass Pokemon. It is a Rock type Pokemon. Nosepass nose is a magnet. As a result, this Pokemon always keeps its face pointing north. When endangered, it may protect itself by raising magnetism and drawing iron objects to its body. If two of those meet, they cannot get too close because noses repel each other. "

Rize: Aron let's win this!
Wally: What? Why didn't you use your Mudkip! This Gym uses Rock type Pokemon! You know that Rock lose to Water type don't you Rize?
Rize: I knew that! But winning battles with type advantage didn't really like overcoming anything so I plan to win with my own Rock type Pokemon!
Roxanne: "This kid is interesting!"
Tommy: Nosepass Tackle!
Rize: We'll use Tackle too!
The two Pokemon clash to each other with Tackle attack.
Rize: Aron is part Steel type so it have higher defense against your attack! We will win this!
Tommy: Is that so? Nosepass rise your defense using Harden!
Rize: We'll use Harden too!
Tommy: Tch! In that case Nosepass Rock Throw!
Rize: Use Dig!
Aron avoided the Rock Throw and attacked Nosepass with Dig attack and it's super effective!
Rize: Let's use Dig one more time!
Tommy: Oh no you don't! Nosepass sense where is Aron with your nose and use Rock Tomb!
The Rock Tomb hit Aron and made Aron came out from the ground.
Tommy: With this your Dig attack have been sealed! So what now? Nosepass follow up with Rock Throw!
Aron was hit with Rock Throw this time and burried under a pile of rocks.
Rize: Use Dig to escape from the pile of rocks!
Tommy: Rock Tomb!
Aron is once again hit with Rock Tomb.
Wally: Rize don't your Aron know any Steel-type move?
Rize: No it doesn't! We'll win this with Will Power! Aron Tackle!
Tommy: I accept your challenge! We'll see whose Pokemon have greater Will Power and determination to stand till the end! Nosepass Tackle!
The two Pokemon once again clashed each other with Tackle and this goes on again. Few minutes after that the two Pokemon is finally worn out and any side can go down in any time.
Rize: Aron stay strong! Tackle again!
Nosepass: Hang in there! Tackle!
Just when they are about to clash each other again, Aron's Tackle evolved into Take Down attack which is a stronger move and they clashed each other. After the smoke is clear the two Pokemon is still standing but then Nosepass fell down.
Referee: Nosepass is unable to battle! Aron wins! Victory goes to the Challenger Rize!
Rize: Aron you're great! And you learn a brand new improved move too!
Wally: He won! That's amazing!

Roxanne: Well Rize today you have show us a great battle and I'm sure Tommy will learn alot from this battle. Here's your Junior Stone Badge! It is the official Gym Badge to enter the Ever Grande Pokemon League Tournament and your name will be registered and sent to the Pokemon League so nobody can use your badge if incase somebody stole it. You can come here anytime to get your badge replaced if you lost it. Is this your first Gym Badge?
Rize: Thanks alot! Yes this is my first Gym Badge!
Referee: Yesterday was also a great battle from a challenger name Schumi.
Rize: Schumi?! He battled this Gym yesterday?
Referee: Yes and he won too.
Wally: As expected from him.
Rize: One day I'm going to challenge him to a match and Win!
Rize finally obtained his very first Gym Badge. Will he be able to get the remaining seven badge in Hoenn? Find out on the next chapter!

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