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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chapter 52 - Hoenn League Finish!

Rize have lost to Schumi in the 5th Round of the Pokemon League and right now Schumi is having his 6th Round battle and it looks like even Schumi is having a hard time!
Judge: Blaziken is unable to battle! Victory goes to the Blue Trainer Alberto!
Alberto: I'm just LUCKY...
Rize: I can't believe that even Schumi lost!
Brendan: His opponent is 13 years old and more experienced he also use Pokemon that Schumi and us never see before! It make sense that he lost despite not knowing anything of his opponent's Pokemon!
Wally: I guess the world is a huge place!
The Pokemon League has just ended and finally the winner of the Junior Category is Alberto.
Rize went back to his home after that thinking about his next plan.
Mom: You know son it's still something to be able to make it into the 5th Round in your first try! You know you can wait again next year and compete in the Pokemon League again.
Rize: No. I'm going to Johto! The world is a big place! There's still many Pokemon that I never see before! If I want to be the very best I have to know and see every single Pokemon there is in the world!
Mom: I see.. Well, whatever your decision, I'm rooting for you! So when are you going? I will take care of everything that is needed to register for the Johto League!
Rize: Thanks mom! At the first day of New year!"Schumi is also going to Johto! And that's where Ling lives too! This is really killing two bird with one stone!"
So Rize decided to go to Johto next year! What kind of Adventure awaits him in the Johto region?
Next time! A new beginning!

1 comment:

  1. Marshtomp Lv.26
    Swellow Lv.23
    Aron Lv.21
    Vulpix Lv.20
    Glalie Lv.23
    Milotic Lv.25
