Rize will be battling against Brendan on his next match tomorrow. Before that he meets with an old friend of his that have moved to the Johto region due to the incident of Kyogre and Groudon that happened a year ago.
Rize: Ling! You came!
Ling: Ofcourse I came! I'm rooting for you Rize! You'll win the League you just have to believe it!
Rize: Thanks! I'll do my very best!
Ling: Oh by the way..The Azurill you gave me year ago have now evolved into Marill! Marill say hi to Rize!

Rize: Hey Marill! You've grown up now! Gee my Pokedex have no data about this Pokemon.
Ling: Let me use my Pokedex..
" Marill the Aquamouse Pokemon and the evolved form of Azurill. It is a Water type. The tip of its tail is filled with oil that is lighter than water, so it acts as a float even in a vicious current preventing it to drown and swim. It likes to eat plants that grow on river bottoms. "
Ling: Oh and since I'm 11 now I already received my first Pokemon from Prof.Elm of Johto region and I pick this one!

Ling: It's name is Chikorita it's the Grass Type starter and it can only be found in the Johto region.
" Chikorita the Leaf Pokemon. It is a Grass type. Its pleasantly aromatic leaf has the ability to check humidity and temperature. It loves to sunbathe. "
Rize: Wow! I'm sure Johto have lots amazing Pokemon I never see before! I would love to go to Johto!
Ling: You're more than welcomed..
Rize: Well then I gotta prepare for tomorrow's match see you again tomorrow!
Ling: Okay! All the best!
The next day..
Referee: Round 4 of Pokemon League Junior Category is about to begin! From the Blue corner Rize! And from the Red corner is Brendan! It's a 3 on 3 Pokemon Battle with free substitution and no time limit! 3,2,1! Trainers begin!
Rize: Vulpix let's go!
Brendan: Chimeco go!
Brendan: Chimeco use Future Sight!
Rize: Flamethrower Vulpix!
Chimeco was hit with Flamethrower.
Referee: Chimeco is unable to battle! Vulpix wins!
Rize: Your Chimeco is still as weak as before huh?
Brendan: Maybe.. Exploud go!
" Exploud the loud noise Pokemon and the evolved form of Loudred. It is a Normal type. Itr roar in battle shakes the ground like a tremor or like an earthquake has struck. Its howl can be heard over six miles away. It emit all sorts of noises from the ports on its body. "
Rize: Oh ou.. his Loudred further evolved!
Brendan: Exploud Super Sonic!
Rize: Vulpix Safeguard!
Due to Safeguard Super Sonic was not successful in making Vulpix confuse but Vulpix was hit with Future Sight from Chimeco.
Rize: Vulpix! You okay? Flamethrower!
Exploud was hit with Flamethrower and burned.
Brendan: Tch! Your Vulpix is really annoying! Exploud finish it with Hyper Voice!
Rize: Here it comes! Use Grudge!
Vulpix used Grudge and knocked out with Hyper Voice!
Referee: Vulpix is unable to battle! Exploud wins!
Rize: Aron go!
Brendan: It looks like you've not been training huh? Your Pokemon are still the same! Exploud Hyper Voice again!
Exploud used Hyper Voice but it failed.
Brendan: Exploud what's wrong?! I said Hyper Voice!
Rize: It's no use, it can't use Hyper Voice anymore! Vulpix used Grudge when it was knocked out by Hyper Voice and drained all of Exploud energy to use Hyper Voice!
Brendan: Vulpix again! Exploud Stomp!
Rize: Aron Metal Claw!
Exploud's stomp missed and hit with Metal Claw.
Judge: Exploud is unable to battle! Aron wins!
Brendan: It looks like I'm wrong, you've been training.. But your victory is over! Delcatty go! Use Sing!
Rize: Oh no!
Aron heard the song and went to sleep.
Brendan: Delcatty Wake Up Slap!
Aron was hit with Wake Up Slap and fainted.
Referee: Aron is fainted! Delcatty wins!
Rize: How's that possible?!
Brendan: Wake Up Slap is 2x the damage when opponent is sleeping plus your Aron took 4x the damage from Fighting Type moves. It's so natural that even your high defense Aron was knocked out with 1 hit. So.. Who's next?
Rize: " Vulpix is already knocked out! I gotta becareful of his Attract and Cute Charm! I can use Milotic but" Swellow go!
Brendan: Swellow? Are you purposely using the Pokemon that you use back at the Gym because I did too?
Rize: Yeah! I'm going to prove to your father that I am stronger than you without handicaps!
Brendan: Bring it on! Delcatty use Attract!
Rize: Swellow Double Team!
Delcatty is confused for which one to Attract.
Brendan: In that case! Sing! No matter how many there are he will still hear the song!
Swellow's Double Team wore off and fell to the ground as it is asleep but its Guts abillity is activated.
Brendan: Haha! Checkmate! Delcatty Wake Up Slap!
Rize: Swellow Sleep Talk!!
Swellow used Sleep Talk and automatically used Facade on Delcatty and..
Referee: Delcatty is unable to battle! Swellow wins! Victory for Rize from the Blue corner!!
Brendan: .... Incredible! Guts with Facade! That was a wicked combination! That Sleep Talk was really a surprise!
Rize: Yeah I prepared that to defeat you!!
Rize made it to go to the 5th Round and his next opponent for the next round is...
Rize: Schumi?! " Hehe! Time for payback!"
Schumi: "..." Hm!
Rize opponent is non other than his Strongest Rival, Schumi! Will he be able to finally have his revenge and beat Schumi?! Find out on the next chapter!!