Rize: Wow! Swellow!
Rize checked his new Swellow with his Pokedex.
" Swellow the Swallow Pokemon and the evolved form of Taillow. Swellow dives at a steep angle as soon as it spots its prey. It catches its prey with sharp claws. "
Fossil Guy: Don't count your victory over your evolution! Armaldo Rock Blast!
Swellow dodged the Rock Blast with great speed!
Rize: Allright! Steel Wing!
Fossil Guy: Protect! And then Armaldo and Cradily together use Ancient Power!
Swellow was hit with the Ancient Power and knocked out.
Fossil Guy: You battle well for being in Junior level.
Rize: I guess battling adults are on different league after all.
Brendan: Ofcourse! And who was it that suggest to battle in the first place?
Rize: Well at least I managed to stay longer in the battle.
Brendan: Cih..
The 2 of them then continue their journey to Petalburg City trough route 114 and go to the Meteor Falls to go to route 115 that leads to Rustboro City.
Rize: Isn't there a much faster way to Rustboro City from route 117 to Verdanturf Town and cross the Rusturf Tunnel which lead to route 116 to Rustboro City?
Brendan: I know but I want to visit this Meteor Falls and I'm also looking for something here.
Rize: What are you looking for? Wild Pokemon?
Brandon: No it's not.
The 2 of them entered the Meteor Falls.
Rize: "So this is the Meteor Falls. If I remember correctly this is where Team Magma stole the Meteorite.
Just when they enter the Meteor Falls. Meteor is falling and striking to them!
Rize: What!? How can a Meteor falls inside a cave!
Brendan: Run!!
The two of them run and avoid the meteors to hit them. They found out that it was not meteors but a wild Pokemon using a combination of Psychic and Rock Throw.

Brendan: What are those Pokemon?!
Rize checked on his Pokedex.
" Solrock the meteorite Pokemon. It is a Rock and Psychic type Pokemon. Solrock was rumored to be from the sun. When it rotates itself, it gives off light similar to the sun, thus blinding its foes. "
" Lunatone the meteorite Pokemon. It is a Rock and Psychic type Pokemon. Because it turns active on nights of the full moon, it is said to have some link with the lunar phases. Its stare can lull its foes to sleep. "
Rize: They are Solrock and Lunatone the meteorite Pokemon!
Brendan: Why are they attacking us?! They're mad!
Rize: Whatever let's battle them! Mudkip attack with Water Gun!
Brendan: Whismur Supersonic!

The Solrock use Protect to protect both of them from Water Gun and Supersonic and counter attack with Rock Throw and Psychic creating meteors again.
Rize: " Could it be that they are mad because Team Magma stole a Meteorite from here? " Lunatone, Solrock! Don't attack anymore we give up! Here's the Meteorite! I'm here to give this back to you guys!
The Solrock and Lunatone calmed down and took the Meteorite and placed it on its original place. It looks like that the Meteorite is a sacred thing to Solrock and Lunatone.
Brendan: Where did you get that Meteorite?
Rize: Team Magma stole it and I stop them from doing some experiment in Mt.Chimney. Luckily I bring the Meteorite with me incase it is useful. Who would have known it is useful today?
Rize and Brandon finally went out from the cave and arrived at route 115.
Brendan: Sigh.. In the end I didn't found what I wanted.
Rize: What is it that you're looking for? Just tell me already!
Brendan: It's a Moon Stone!
Rize: A Moon Stone?! LOL! I have it! Here you can have it, don't know why you want it tough or are you also a stone maniac like Steven? haha
Brendan: Where did you get this from? Steven? You mean Steven the Champion?!
Rize: It's a long story to tell.
Brendan: Anyway thanks for the Moon Stone! But I'm not giving the Egg for it!
Rize: Fine!
They are already in Rustboro City and near Petalburg City. Will Rize win the rematch? Find out on the next chapter!
Swellow Lv.14
ReplyDeleteWhismur Lv.9
Mudkip Lv.12
Solrock Lv.18
Lunatone Lv.17