Rize: "Dang! If only my Pokemon are here I could show off a little bit and become a hero!"
Ling: That Pokemon is so fast for being so big!!
Rize: We're already near!! Hang on!
Ling: But what if that Pokemon destroy the Safari office in its rampage?
Rize: Don't worry once we got there I'll get my Pokemon to stop it!
Suddenly.. the Slaking was shot with a needle containing sleeping powders and it fell to sleep.
Safari Ranger: You kids allright? Sorry for the trouble caused..
Rize: We're fine! Thanks! As long as we're safe..
Rize took back all his Pokemon and went from the Safari Zone with Ling.
Ling: Sigh.. in the end I didn't get to catch any Pokemon..
Rize: Hey I have this Pokemon Egg that have not hatch for a long time! I'll give it to you, once the egg hatch the Pokemon inside is yours!
Ling: Really?! Thank you so much Rize!!
Suddenly, the egg began to move and glowing bright when Ling received the egg and a Pokemon is born.

Rize: Wow! The egg hatched just when I gave it to you! Maybe this egg is suppose to be yours! Maybe this is what they call fate.. hehehe
" Azurill the polka dot Pokemon. It is a Normal type. Its tail is packed with nutrients it needs for growth and bounces like a rubber ball. It plays by bouncing its tail. "
Ling: It's so cute! Much cuter than Skitty! Look it is bouncing using its ball on its tail! Rize I want to thank you for the Azurill you gave to me, let me repay you by treating you lunch in Lilycove City!
So they went to Lilycove city and eat in a Ramen restaurant.
Ling: How is it? This is the best Ramen in our City! Lilycove is my hometown.
Rize: Best Ramen I ever eat!
After finish eating, Rize saw a huge crowd of people entering to a building.
Rize: Where're those people going?
Ling: Oh that's right! Today there's a Pokemon Contest why don't we take a look!
Rize: Pokemon Contest? Never heard of it before..
Rize and Ling went to the Lilycove Contest Hall and watch the Pokemon Contest.

Rize watched the amazing grace and beauty of Pokemon contest.
Rize: I never knew about these Contests stuff! It's pretty cool!
Ling: People who do Contest instead of Battle are called Pokemon Coordinator. I'm going to be one too!
Rize: I'm going to be Pokemon Champion! Hey maybe it will be fun if one day we participate in Pokemon Contest together!
Rize got a new insight about Pokemon after seeing the Contest but his passion in Pokemon Battle won't change. Now he is going to take a ship crossing Sea Route 124 to Mossdeep City to have another Gym Battle. Stay tuned!
Azurill Lv.1