Luffy: Ah! I think I met with you before! You're the one who was battling with Team Magma at Weather Institute am I right?
Schumi: Yes I am, so what's a Pokemon Ranger doing here?
Luffy: This is Team Magma's base! I'm not so sure but something big is gonna happen here! If you're interested I'll tell you everything.
Schumi is interested and was told the whole story and agrees to help. So they went into Team Magma's base together. Meanwhile on Rizes' side..
Hiroshi: It's weird that there's not even one grunt guarding this place.. Oh by the way I haven't introduce to you, this is Mawile my partner Pokemon.

" Mawile the deceiver Pokemon. It is a Steel type. It chomps with its gaping mouth. Its huge jaws are actually steel horns that have been transformed. "
The both of them went further inside the base and found out that Team Aqua is having some kind of meeting.
Archie: Hahaha! Behold! Our Mission and Vission of expanding the sea is about to unfold! With this Blue Orb!! We will awaken the Legendary Ancient Pokemon Kyogre!!
Aqua Grunts: Yes!!
Archie: Allright now we will go into the deep ocean to the place where Kyogre is sleeping, some of you stay here and guard this place allright?!
Rize: You're not going anywhere! Swellow get the Blue Orb!
Archie: What?! Walrein Ice Beam!

Swellow was hit and knocked out by Ice Beam.
Archie: Who's there?! Come out now!
Rize and Hiroshi came out and show themselves.
Archie: Pokemon Ranger! And a kid! How did they get in?! Isn't there anybody guarding the entrance?!
Aqua Grunts: No we were told to gather here by you sir.
Archie: Aahh! Fool! Get them now!!
The other Pokemon Rangers that Hiroshi brought along took care of the Grunts.
Shelly: Cih! I'll handle them Boss! Sharpedo attack!
Hiroshi: Mawile attack!
While everybody is busy with their own opponent Archie took advantage and escape with the submarine, but...
Rize: Like I told you! You're not going anywhere!! Marshtomp Water Pulse!
Archie: This damn kid again! Crawdaunt cover me!

The Crawdaunt took Marshtomp's Water Pulse like nothing.
Rize: What the?!
Archie: Get out of my way boy!! Crawdaunt Crabhammer!!
Marshtomp and Rize was knocked back by Crabhammer and Archie fled with the Submarine.
Shelly: Yes! Our boss managed to escape!!
Hiroshi: Damn!! But you're not going to escape from me!
Meanwhile in Mt.Chimney
Luffy: We took care of the Grunts easily and their Executive Tarbitha have been arrested so let's proceed further! I heard that Rize and my friend failed to stop Archie, Team Aqua's Leader from proceeding! Archie is now on the way to the deep underwater cave to awaken Kyogre!!
They arrived into the deepest of Team Magma's base and found Maxie is awakening the sleeping Groudon from its slumber with the red orb!!
Luffy: Noo!! Ludicolo Bullet Seed!!

Maxie: Don't you dare interfere!! Camerupt Flamethrower!!

The Bullet Seeds was roasted by the flamethrower.
Maxie: HAHAHAHAHA!! It's too late now!! HAHAHAHA Team Magma's Mission and Vision of expanding the Land is about to be unfold!! Behold!! You shall be honor to be able to witness Groudon's awakening from its deep slumber!! Arise Groudon!!
The Red Orb begin to flash a very bright red light and the sleeping Groudon seems to be reacting to it and woke up!!

Luffy: Oh no we're too late!!!
Meanwhile, faraway in another place.. Archie have found where Kyogre is resting and awaken it with the Blue Orb.

The two Ancient Legendary Pokemon have been awakened from their deep slumber!! What will happen to the Hoenn region now?!
Mawile Lv.25
ReplyDeleteWalrein Lv.40
Crawdaunt Lv.42
Ludicolo Lv.26
Camerupt Lv.42