Rize: Thanks alot Mr.Briney! I owe you lot!
Mr.Briney: It's my pleasure Rize! So long now I'll be going back to my cottage in Petalburg.
So they part ways and Rize goes to Slateport City and went to Stern's Shipyard to look for Captain Stern. However he found that Captain Stern have went somewhere and leave the Devon Goods there with Dock(Someone working there). Rize then came out and going to continue his journey to route 110 to Mauville City where he can battle another Gym. However, Rize saw a large number of Aqua Grunts queing going inside to the Oceanic Museum. Curious of what mischief the Aqua Grunts are up to this time, Rize decided to go inside the Museum as well. It appear that Captain Stern is in the Museum and was having a conversation with a man from Team Aqua different from the other Aqua Grunts.
Aqua Man: I am very interested in your work Captain Stern! I heard that you are going to make a special submarine for a Special Expedition, am I correct?
Captain Stern: Yes and for that we are still waiting for the Goods from Devon Corporation to arrived to our place and then we can finally continue on our work building the Submarine.
Aqua Man: I am Archie and I love the Sea! Can you tell me when your Submarine is ready? I really would like to see it by myself.
Captain Stern: Oh sure! I also love the Sea! I will report to you when our Submarine is ready!
Aqua Man: Thank you! Now if you excuse me, I need to go, there's work to do.
The conversation ended and all the Team Aqua left the Museum and Rize approached Captain Stern.
Rize: Captain Stern! I've come to deliver the Devon Goods and they're now at your shipyard.
Captain Stern: Oh really? Thanks! But you don't seem to be an employee from Devon, anyway Thanks again! I'm so excited! Now we can finish the Submarine!
Rize: Wait Captain! There's one more thing I want to let you know!
Captain Stern: Yes what is it?
Rize: I think you have to be careful from that man! From what I see he might be the Leader of Team Aqua the Criminal Organization!
Captain Stern: Ahahaha, that can't be kid! Someone who loves the sea can't be a bad guy! Now see you later.
The Captain ignored Rize words and left, so Rize continue his journey to route 110 and arrived in Mauville City and he met with an unexpected friend.
Rize: Wally! You're here?! How did you get here so fast?! The last time you were still in Rustboro City trying to win the Gym there.
Wally: Hehe I've earned the badge from Rustboro Gym! There's a tunnel from route 116 to Vendarturf Town that is close to Mauville City. You didn't know that?
Rize: I don't! Haha I got 2 badges now and today I will get my 3rd badge!
Wally: So you're planning to challenge this Gym too huh? Too bad you will not be able to win this Gym tough.
Rize: Why is that?!
Wally: The Gym here specialize in Electric Type Pokemon which is Mudkip's weakness! And it is also your Taillow's weakness so you don't stand a chance! Unless you've caught new Pokemon along your way here.
Rize: Types doesn't matter! I will prove that right infront of you now!
Wally: Okay! Why don't we battle now but under one condition! You must use Mudkip! And the winner will get to challenge the Gym first!
Rize: Doens't matter to me. Mudkip Show him!
Wally: Go my new friend! Shroomish!

" Shroomish the mushroom Pokemon. It is a Grass type. It spouts poison spores from the top of its head. These spores can cause pain all over if inhaled. "
Wally: Shroomish is a Grass Type! Your Mudkip is weak against it!
Rize: Shut up.. Mudkip Take Down! (Mudkip learned Take Down from Aron)
Shroomish was hit hard! However, there seems to be something wrong with Mudkip.
Rize: Mudkip what's wrong?!
Wally: It looks like my Shroomish Effect Spore have take place! Your Mudkip is now paralysed I guess. Shroomish Absorb!
Shroomish absorbed Mudkip's HP and recovered it's own HP.
Wally: Now my Shroomish is back to healthy again while your Mudkip have taken damage from recoil and absorb! What are you gonna do now Rize?
Rize: " Damn! I guess I have to rely on that again! Mudkip Bide!
Wally: Shroomish keep absorbing!
Shroomish attacked Mudkip while Mudkip store energy from the damage it takes.
Rize: "That Shroomish of his seems to be new and not so strong, it should be enough now!" Mudkip! Unleash it now!!"
Mudkip unleashed the energy into attack and knocked out Shroomish.
Wally: Oh no! You beat me again?! How did you do that?!
Rize: Told you that type doesn't matter!
And so Rize healed Mudkip at the Pokemon Centre and go to challenge the Mauville Gym. Will he be able to overcome this Gym as most of his Pokemon are weak against Electric Type? Find out on the next Chapter!
Shroomish Lv.5
ReplyDeleteMudkip Lv.11