Rize: Luffy I have a favor to ask you!
Luffy: Sure what is it?
Rize: You see the Wailmer we use to surf across the ocean is not mine, it's a lost wild Pokemon! So I want you to take care of it for me and look for its mother and groups is that okay with you?
Luffy: No worry! Helping wild Pokemon is a common task for us Pokemon Rangers!
Rize: Thanks alot! See you again Wailmer! Wish you meet your group soon!
Luffy: Rize wait! Do you happen to have a Pokenav?
Rize: Oh yea I do have one!
Luffy: Good! I'll register your Pokenav so that I can contact you when needed!
Rize: Sure! That'll be great! If you didn't remind me of this Pokenav stuff I would never turn it on.
And so Rize went seperate ways with Luffy and Wailmer and went to route 118.
He saw a big beautiful lake and decided to look for cool Water Pokemon.
Rize: Man.. all I get to see are only Carvanhas and tiny Barboaches..

Suddenly a mysterious looking Pokemon appeared.
Rize: What Pokemon is that?! It looked so strong and cool! But somehow mysterious!
Rize checked on his Pokedex.

" Absol the disaster Pokemon. It is a Dark type. Whenever an Absol appears, there sure going to be a disaster. Thus Absol was rumored to be the cause of the disasters. "
Rize: Absol the disaster Pokemon?! Does that mean that this Pokemon go around the planet creating disasters?! Ah! It's going off! Wait!
Rize give a chase to the Absol and look who he found!
Rize: Schumi! You're chasing after the Absol too?!
Schumi: Back off! This Absol's gonna be mine!
Rize: I've no intention of catching it! I just wanna know where it's heading to.
Rize and Schumi both chased Absol and they are now on route 119 where they found themselves in the Weather Institute and Absol was just staring at the Weather Institute with a sharp scary eyes.
Is Absol really a Pokemon that goes around and creates disasters?! If so then what is in its mind with the Weather Institute?! Find out on the next chapter!
Carvanha Lv.4
ReplyDeleteBarboach Lv.2
Absol Lv.20