Rize: What's that Pokemon?! (Checking Pokedex)
" Hoothoot the Owl Pokemon. It is a Normal and Flying type. Hoothoot always stands on one foot. It changes feet so fast, the movement can barely be seen. It has a perfect sense of time and cries at the same time everyday. "
Rize: So it's a Hoothoot! Normal Flying Type! Good I'm goin to catch it! But how come it's asleep?! Since it is asleep I don't need to battle it then.
Rize threw the Pokeball to catch Hoothoot but after a few shake the Hoothoot came out from the Pokeball and awake and it seems to be very angry!
Rize: Woaa! So you wanna battle huh?! Allright then Marshtomp go!
Hoothoot is going to attack Marshtomp with Peck attack.
Rize: Here it comes Marshtomp, Take Down!
Hoothoot was taken down by Take Down and Rize once again threw the Pokeball and this time it's completely captured.
Rize: Allright! My first capture in the Johto region!
Suddenly Jin come out of nowhere.
Jin: Woaa so that's how to catch a Pokemon!
Rize: Eh? Did you saw me? I thought you went ahead already.
Jin: Well actually I was also looking for wild Pokemon in this area and then suddenly I saw you then.. haha!
Beep beep...Pokegear ringing.
Prof.Elm: Rize! It's a disaster! Please come back to my Lab now! Please! bzztt...
Rize: It's Prof.Elm! You heard it too right?!
Jin: Yeah! What happen ed?!
Rize: I don't know but it doesn't look good! Let's go back to Prof.Elm's Lab!
Jin: Yeah!
Rize have just caught his very first Pokemon in the Johto region but just before he could celebrate, Prof.Elm called and it looks like an Emergency! Rize and Jin went back to Prof.Elm's Lab to see what happen there. What could have happen to Prof.Elm and his lab?! Find out on the next chapter!
Hoothoot Lv.4