Rize: Excuse me is there a challenger name Schumi here now?
Gym Reception: Let's see.. Schumi.. Ah! He just won this Gym yesterday.. Is there anything I can help you?
Rize: Yesterday huh? So that means he left this Town already. Okay then I'm challenging the Gym now Junior Category!
Judge: The Gym Battle between Rize the challenger and Flamey the Junior Gym Leader of Lavaridge Town is about to take place! It's a 2 on 2 battle and only the challenger is allowed to make a substitution!
Flamey: Numel go!

" Numel the Numb Pokemon. Numel is a Fire and Ground type Pokemon. The flaming magma it stores in the hump on its back is the source of its tremendous power. In rain, the magma cools, slowing its movement. "
Rize: I'll fight fire with fire! Vulpix go!
Referee: Begin!
Flamey: Hey what Pokemon is that?! I never see that before!
Rize: Heheh surprise eh? I'm not telling you!
Flannery: It's a Vulpix! It's a Fire Type Pokemon from Kanto!
The Owner or the Open Category Gym Leader appeared.
Rize: Vulpix Ember!
Numel take the hit but it doesn't seem to cost lot of damage
Flamey: Interesting that you have Pokemon from other region with you. But attacking a Fire Type with a Fire Type move is not a smart choice! Numel Show your Fire Power! Ember!
Vulpix took the flame and it's Fire Power increased.
Flamey: What?! It absorbed the fire?
Rize: Haha! My Vulpixs' abillity is Flash Fire! It absorbed any Fire Type Attack and increase its own Fire Power! Looks like you're not so smart yourself to attack us with fire. Ember!
With the increase power of Ember this time Numel took quite a hit from the attack.
Rize: Quick-Attack!
Numel took the Quick-Attack hit.
Flamey: I will still win this! Numel Magnitude!
Vulpix was hit hard with Magnitude and Knocked Out.
Referee: Vulpix is KO! Numel wins it!
Rize: What?!
Flamey: Surprise eh? Numel is also part Ground Type in case you didn't know.
Rize: Fire and Ground? Perfect combination! Mudkip Water Gun!
Flamey: Oh no! Numel try to dodge it!
Numel was too slow and couldn't evade the attack and was Knocked Out instantly.
Referee: Numel is KO! Mudkip wins it!
Rize: Incase you didn't know Fire and Ground type took really much damage with Water type.
Flamey: You don't have to teach me about types! Torkoal your turn!

Flamey: My Torkoal is on different level with my Numel. Torkoal Fire Spin!
Mudkip took Fire Spin but as it have Type advantage the damage it cost is not so much.
" Torkoal the Coal Pokemon, a Fire type. It burns coals inside its shell for energy. It blows out black soot if it is endangered. "
Rize: " The Pokedex info is not much of a help. " Don't you know that Fire type moves are not effective against Water type? Water Gun!
Flamey: Torkoal Quick use Smokescreen and hide in the smoke.
Torkoal hid behind the smoke and evaded Mudkip's Water Gun.
Flamey: Torkoal use Smog!
Mudkip was hit with the Smog attack and the fire from the fire spin still goes on thus hurting Mudkip even more. But, Mudkip began to shine and glow in blue and shows a great amount of Power!
Rize: Allright! Torrent have activated! Mudkip aim well and use Water Gun!
Flamey: Even the strongest attack won't do a thing if it misses.
However Torkoal was hit with the Water Gun and the smoke is clear and Torkoal is already knocked out.
Referee: Torkoal is KO. Mudkip wins! Victory goes to the challenger Rize!
Rize: Incase you didn't know, Mudkip's fin on it's head works like a radar and can sense its opponent even if they are hiding. =D
Flannery: Great battle! Flamey present him with the Junior Heat Badge.
Rize finaly earned his 4th badge and he's halfway done to be certified to participate in the Pokemon League. But, will he be able to make it there? Stay tuned!
Vulpix Lv.7
ReplyDeleteNumel Lv.6
Torkoal Lv.9
Mudkip Lv.12