Rize: Wow! There's alot of beautiful and cool Water Pokemon here!

Hao: Hi I'm Hao the Junior Gym Leader here. Are you going to challenge this Gym?
Rize: Yes ofcourse! This is the coolest Gym I ever went to so far! I love Water Pokemon! Take a look at my Water Pokemon! (Rize revealed his Water Pokemon Marshtomp and Feebas.) But is there a Water Pokemon name Milotic here? I would really love to see one!
Hao: Oh Our Gym Leader Juan have that Pokemon!
Rize: Really?! Where is he?!
Hao let Rize meet with Juan.

Juan: You wanna see my Milotic? Hahah I don't have it with me right now boy.. Why don't you just do your battle.
Judge: The Gym Battle between Rize the challenger and Hao the Junior Gym Leader is about to begin! It's a 2 on 2 Pokemon Battle and only the challenger is allowed to switch Pokemon during the battle!
Hao: Luvdisc let's go!

" Luvdisc the rendezvous Pokemon. A water type. Its heart shaped body makes it popular and it lives in warm seas. It is said that a couple finding this Pokemon will be blessed with eternal love. In some places, you would give a LUVDISC to someone you love. "
Rize: This is my first time battling in a Water Field Arena!(That means I can only use these 2 Pokemon) Swellow into the air!
Referee: Begin the battle!
Hao: You did well on selecting an Aerial Pokemon Rize! Luvdisc Agilllity!
Rize: Wow it's moving so fast! But my Swellow won't lose in speed! Swellow Aerial Ace!
Hao: Luvdisc Dive into the water!
Luvdisc avoided Swellow's Aerial Ace by diving into the water.
Hao: Now use Sweet Kiss!
Luvdisc came out to the water surface and used Sweet Kiss on Swellow and Swellow is confused.
Rize: Swellow snap out of it!
Hao: It can't even fly properly now.. It's a very easy target for a Flying Pokemon. Luvdisc Water Pulse!
Swellow was hit with Water Pulse and fell into the Water Field.
Rize: Swellow!!
Referee: Swellow is unable to continue! Luvdisc wins!
Rize: That was a powerful Water Attack! Marshtomp it's up to you now!
Hao: Finally your Water Pokemon is up! Luvdisc Dive in!
Rize: Marshtomp follow after it!
Marhstomp follow Luvdisc and chase it in the water.
Hao: Luvdisc when it's close enough use Sweet Kiss!
Rize: I won't let you! Marshtomp use Mud Sport!
Marshtomp turned the water to become muddy water and Luvdisc can't see where is Marhstomp anymore.
Hao: Oh no! You pollute the water!
Rize: Take Down!
Referee: Luvdisc is unable to battle! Marshtomp wins!
Rize: My Marshtomp can still detect where is its opponent with its fin radar.
Hao: Not bad.. Luvdisc defense is just too weak.. Now Corphish go!

" Corphish the ruffian Pokemon. It is a Water type. Its hardy vitality enables it to adapt to any environment. Its pincers will never release prey. "
Rize: Careful of those pincers! Marshtomp Take Down!
Hao: Corphish use Harden!
Corphish used Harden and reduced the damage from Take Down but Marshtomp took a higher recoil damage.
Hao: Corphish use Bubble now!
Marshtomp was hit with Bubble attack.
Hao: Quick Vicegrip now!
Marshtomp was not given any chance to recover and hit with Vicegrip.
Rize: Is that all you got? Mud Shot!
Corphish was hit with Mud Shot and covered in Mud and can't see a thing.
Hao: You!!
Rize: Take Down!
Corphish was hit with Take Down.
Hao: Corphish stay calm!
Rize: Want me to get rid of those Mud for you? Water Gun!
Marshtomp's Water Gun cleans the mud on Corphish but..
Referee: Corphish is unable to battle! The victory goes to the challenger Rize!
Juan: Clap clap. Well done boy! Hao give him his junior Rain Badge right away!

Rize: Allright! Now I can register for the Hoenn League!!
Juan: Congratulation boy!So this is the your last badge huh? About Milotic you don't need to worry because you'll get that Pokemon by yourself soon enough.
Rize: Eh really?! What makes you say that?
Juan: Hahaha nevermind.. you'll know it soon..
Hao: Rize do you want to learn the move Water Pulse for your Marshtomp? I bet it will be far more powerful than now if it can learn Water Pulse!
Rize: You will teach me?! Sure I really love to!
So Rize stay behind in the Gym to learn the move Water Pulse. But meanwhile in other area of Hoenn region which is Mt.Pyre.
Old Woman: Noo!! Don't take those orbs!! Those orbs are not allowed to be seperated from each other!!

Luffy: " This is bad! Team Aqua and Team Magma have taken the Blue and Red Orbs!! I gotta call the Headquarters!"
Headquarters: What?! How could that happen?!
Luffy: I'm sorry but I just can't keep up with them! They're too many of them!
Headquarters: It's my fault for only assigning you for this mission, well we're glad enough that you're save! Return to the Headquarters Immediately!
Team Aqua and Team Magma have stolen the Red and Blue Orbs! What are they really planning all this time?! Stay tuned!
Swellow Lv.18
ReplyDeleteMarshtomp Lv.20
Luvdisc Lv.16
Corphish Lv.18