Rize: Wait! So how about the scheduled Pokemon League Competition?!
Steven: Eer.. Let me ask about that with the Pokemon Association.
Steven make a call with the Pokemon Association to ask and confirm about the Pokemon League Competition that was held once a year at the end of the year.
Steven: Well.. I'm very sorry to let you know this Rize but the Pokemon League Competition will be cancelled this year and for all the registered trainers for this year's competition have to wait for next year so to say the Pokemon League Competition is postponed to next year!
Rize: What?! Next year?! I was already itching to battle!
Schumi: Isn't it good, we can still train our Pokemon more and moreover if it's anyone who needs training more is you.
Rize: What did you say?!
Just when they start to quarrel suddenly a bright star could be seen at the sky above and Sootopolis City and all the Cities and Towns that have been destroyed were restored and recovered back to when they have not been destroyed as if nothing happens to the Cities and Towns.
Luffy: How is this even possible?
Hiroshi: Look above! That's Jirachi!

" Jirachi the Wish Pokemon. It is a Steel and Psychic type. It sleeps in a deep slumber and only awaken once a week for every thousand years. Generations have believed that any wish written on a note on its head will come true when it awakens. "
Steven: I see now.. Jirachi must have felt that the distruction was too tragise and terrible and so Jirachi made a wish to recover the Cities and Towns and all the parts of the planet to be recovered back to normal.
Glacia: But isn't Jirachi only awakes once in a millenium?
Sydney: That means we are lucky that this all happening while Jirachi is awake..
Phoebe: You call this incident to be luck?! We're lucky that we are born on this time era that we can see Jirachi with our own eyes not in books and pictures! That's the real luck!
Steven: Anyway we all must thanks Jirachi for this.
Everyone: Thank you Jirachi!!
Juan: Yeahh.. My house is back!!
Rize: Hey hey! Now that the Cities and Towns are back to normal! How about the Pokemon League??!!
Steven once again made a call to the Pokemon Association but they still hear the same answer.
Steven: The Pokemon Association says that altough the Cities and Towns have been recovered but the people's mental and psychology state have not been recovered yet. Some people might still be in shock of the incident and that's why the Pokemon League Competition will still be postponed next year.
Rize: Okay then.. It can't be helped I guess.
Steven: For now let's all go back to our own house and gather with each own family and Thank the above that we are still alive and Hoenn is save!
Everyone: Yeah...!!
Rize: Hey Schumi! You better prepare yourself because I'm going to beat you in the League!
Schumi: Hm! Whatever!
And so thanks to Jirachi the Cities and Towns were all recovered but the Pokemon League Competition will still have to wait till next year. Rize is going to train for a year to prepare for the Pokemon League next year. Stay tuned!!
Jirachi Lv.60