Referee: The Gym Battle between Rize the Challenger and Rome and Julie the Junior Gym Leader is about to begin! It's a Double Battle with just 2 Pokemon from each side!
Rize: This Gym is pretty weird huh? Mudkip and Snorunt let's win this!
Rome&Julie: It's not weird but's unique! Wynaut, Spoink let's go!

" Spoink, the Bounce Pokemon. It bounces constantly, using its tail like a spring. The shock of bouncing keeps its heart beating. It is a Psychic type Pokemon. "
" Wynaut, the Bright Pokemon. It grows strong by pushing up against others en masse. It loves eating sweet fruit. It is a Psychic type Pokemon. "
Referee: Begin the Battle!
Rize: Mudkip Water Gun to Spoink and Snorunt Icy Wind to Wynaut!
Julie: Spoink use Protect and cover up Wynaut!
Mudkip's Water Gun and Snorunt's Icy Wind were blocked by the Protect!
Julie: Spoink use Reflect then use Light Screen!
Rize: What the hell they're doing? Mudkip Water Gun on Spoink! Snorunt Bite on Wynaut!
The attack was successful but it was reduced by the Light Screen and Reflect Thus it's almost like nothing.
Rize: What the?!
Rome&Julie: Our Leader said the Best Defense is the Best Offense! Spoink use Psywave to Mudkip!
Mudkip received the Psywave attack.
Rize: Mudkip use Water Gun on Wynaut and Snorunt use Bite on Spoink!
Rome&Jule: Spoink Protect! Wynaut Mirror Coat!
Snorunt's attack was blocked and Water Gun was sent back to Mudkip twice the power!
Rize: "This is Crazy! They are full of strategies each time countering my every moves! If I don't do something quick my Pokemon would not last any longer!"
Rome: Spoink use Psywave to Snorunt!
Snorunt took the attack.
Rome&Julie: What's wrong? Giving up...?
Rize: "Damn it! Think! ... Hey wait! I think I saw a pattern on their attack and defense! Why is it that Spoink do all the attack and defense while Wynaut is just standin there and only attack with Mirror Coat once?! Could it be that it can't do any attacking move?"
Rome&Julie: When it comes to Double Battle then it's up to Teamwork and when it comes to Team Work we're the best!!
Rize: Oh yeah?! We'll Show you our Teamwork!
Suddenly both Mudkip and Snorunt is glowing! They're evolving together in the same time!

Rome&Julie: What??!! How's that even possible??!!
" Marshtomp the Mud Fish Pokemon and the evolved form of Mudkip. Its sturdy legs give it sure footing, even in mud. It burrows into dirt to sleep. It is a Water and Ground type Pokemon. "
" Glalie the Face Pokemon and the evolved form of Snorunt. To protect itself, it clads its body in an armor of ice, made by freezing moisture in the air. It is an Ice type Pokemon. "
Rize: Surprise eh?! That's our Teamwork!! " To tell the truth.. I was surprised myself! " Marshtomp Water Gun to Spoink!
Julie: Spoink Protect!
Rize: Just as I thought! Now Marshtomp and Glalie Water Gun and Icy Wind to Spoink!
But instead of Icy Wind, Glalie used a powerful Ice Beam and Spoink couldn't take it and fainted.
Judge: Spoink is unable to battle!
Julie: What?! That's unfair you bully my Spoink! Hey Rome! Don't just stand there! Why don't you help me just now?!
Rome: What can I do? Wynaut can only counter their attacks but it can't if it's not attacked yet..
Rize: Just as I thought!
Julie: Well you can cover my Spoink just now and use Mirror Coat!
Rome: You.. you're right! Why didn't I think of that? Allright come on bring on your best attack I will send it back right on to you!
Rize: Is that so? I have two Pokemon you know.. Glalie use Bite! Marhstomp use Water Gun!
Rome: Oh no which one should I counter?! I can only counter one move at a time not two different move like this!!
Wynaut then took the hit without sending back one of them at all.
Referee: Wynaut is knocked out! Marhstomp and Glalie wins! Victory to the challenger Rize!
Julie: Wow! You're right your teamwork is much better than us! This lousy partner of mine is really hopeless.
Rome: What did you say?! You wanna fight?!
Rize: Enough and give me the badge already you two...

And so Rize won the junior Mind Badge which is his 7th Badge! Wow he's now just one more step to go into entering the Pokemon League Junior Competition!
Snorunt Lv.16
ReplyDeleteMudkip Lv.17
Spoink Lv.15
Wynaut Lv.15
Glalie Lv.18
Marshtomp Lv.20