Schumi: Allright then how about 3 on 3?
Rize: That's just great! Snorunt go!
Schumi: Bagon time for battle!
Rize: Snorunt Icy Wind!
Schumi: Bagon Dragon Breath!
Dragon Breath and Icy Wind cancel each other.
Schumi: Headbutt now!
Rize: We'll use Headbutt too!
The two Pokemon head collided with each other.
Rize: Now Icy Wind!
Bagon was hit with Icy Wind and its speed is lowered too.
Rize: Now for the finishing!
Schumi: Bagon retreat for now! Vigoroth go Fury Swipes!

Snorunt was hit with Fury Swipes.
" Vigoroth the wild monkey Pokemon. It is a Normal type. Vigoroth heart beats at tenfold tempo, so it cannot sit still for even a moment. "
Rize: Hang tough Snorunt use Bite attack!
Snorunt bited Vigoroth's right hand!
Schumi: Slash Attack with the left hand!
Snorunt was hit with Slash and knocked out.
Rize: " Normal Type attacks won't defeat Aron!" Aron go!
Schumi: Vigoroth return! Combusken finish it!
Rize: "What?! He switched!" Fire Type attack deals normal damage to my Aron! Aron Dig!
Schumi: Focus! Concentrate on where and when it will come out!
Aron attacked Combusken with Dig but Combusken managed to avoid it.
Schumi: Nice! Double Kick!
Aron was immediately out of the battle by Double Kick.
Schumi: Combusken is also part Fighting Type which your Aron is very weak to.
Rize: Mudkip I'm counting on you! Water Gun!
Schumi: Dodge it Combusken!
Rize: " Gotta slow down his speedy movement!" Mudkip Mud Sport!
The battlefield became covered with Mud and Combusken can't move as quick as before.
Rize: Now Water Gun!
Combusken was hit with the Water Gun.
Schumi: Not bad.. Flamethrower!
Rize: Water Gun!
The Water Gun and Flamethrower collided but the fire power was stronger than the water and all the water evaporates and Mudkip was hit by Flamethrower.
Rize: You can take the heat Mudkip! Prepare to use Bide!
Schumi: Double Kick!
Mudkip was hit with Double Kick.
Rize: "Not yet.. still have to store more energy to beat them!"
Schumi: Another Double Kick!
Mudkip again was hit with Double Kick and this time it knocked it out.
Rize: Mudkip noo!!
Schumi: So this is all you got.. If you wanna use Bide, you have to pay close attention to your Pokemon condition. Can it still take another hit or not. Well then I'm going back to Fortree City to conquer the Gym now.
Rize was defeated without even taking out one of Schumi's Pokemon!! Is Rize strong enough to face this reality? Stay tuned!
Snorunt Lv.14
ReplyDeleteAron Lv.15
Mudkip Lv.16
Bagon Lv.15
Vigoroth Lv.17
Combusken Lv.22