Tarbitha: Seviper Poison Tail!
Schumi: Zangoose Slash!
The two Pokemon's attack collided each other and the power is equally match!
Tarbitha: Boy! You're pretty good aren't you! How about this! Toxic!
Zangose was hit with Toxic attack but..
Schumi: Ha! My Zangooses' abillity is Immunity! It can't be poisoned! Slash one more time!
Seviper was hit with Slash.
Tarbitha: In that case! Poison Tail!
Zangoose was hit with Poison Tail.
Tarbitha: Now Wrap attack!
Seviper wrapped Zangoose and Zangoose can't escape.
Rize: This battle is intense! Just like the Pokedex said that Zangoose and Seviper are old enemies and will always fight whenever they meet each other!
Tarbitha: Hahaha! Is that all you got kid?!
Schumi: Flail Attack!
Zangoose used Flail and break free from Seviper's wrap.
Schumi: Disable!
Tarbitha: What?!
Seviper's Wrap was disabled.
Tarbitha: Poison Tail!
Schumi: Slash!
The two Pokemon got hit with each other's attack and both of them fainted.
Rize: "Amazing! He can fight toe to toe with an Executive from Team Magma! Even tough it ended up with a draw but he's just a kid like me and his opponent is a grown up!"
Tarbitha: It looks like you're better than I thought. Now Castform lend me your Power!

Prof.Tenqi: That's the stolen Pokemon! Please get it back! He's been under Team Magma control because Team Magma injected some weird drugs!
Rize: That's terrible! I got enough of you!
Schumi: Stay out of this! This is still my battle! Bagon go!
Tarbitha: Castform transform according to the weather now!
Castform changed its form and become the Hail from due to the winter weather.

Schumi: Bagon Headbutt!
Tarbitha: Castform Weather Ball!
Bagon was hit by Weather Ball and knocked out.
Tarbitha: Hahaha! Dragon Type Pokemon are weak against Ice Type you know! Weather Ball is a move that change its type according to the weather.
Schumi checked on his Pokedex that once Castform transformed into another form the type change as well.
Schumi: Ice huh?! In that case! Combusken go!

Rize: Wow! Combusken! So you too received Starter Pokemon from Prof.Birch!
" Combusken the young fowl Pokemon. It is a Fire and Fighting type. During a battle, the hot flame in its body increases and emits sharp cries to intimidate foes. Its kicking mastery lets it loose 10 kick per second and have outstanding destructive power. "
Tarbitha: Fire indeed have the advantage over Ice, however.. Castform is a Weather Pokemon! It can change the Weather according to its will! And since I am the one controlling it that means I'm the one who have that power! Castform Sunny day!
The snow stopped and the sun turn bright and powerful and Castform once again change its form.

Tarbitha: Now let see who's Fire Type is better! Castform Weather Ball!
This time the Weather Ball became a powerful fire ball attack!
Schumi: Combusken knock it away with Double Kick!
Combusken knocked the fire ball with ease.
Schumi: Combusken now Quick Attack go!
Castform was hit with Quick Attack.
Tarbitha: Tch! It looks like fighting fair with fire is too troublesome! Time to meet your doom! Play time ends! Castform use Rain Dance!
Black clouds started to gather on the sky and big rain started to fall and Castform changed its form again.

Tarbitha: Hahaha! Now your Combusken is weaken by the rain! Weather Ball!
Combusken was hit with the Water Ball and greatly injured.
Schumi: Combusken you allright?!
Rize: "He's in trouble! The opponent is too strong! Come on how long must we wait?!"
Suddenly a weird gadget was looping around Castform and begin to spin around Castform.
Tarbitha: What's this?!
Rize: It's Luffy! He arrived!
Castform was free from Tarbitha's control due to Luffy's styler.
Luffy: Am I quite late? Sorry this Tropius is not so fast in its flying speed.

Luffy: Give it up Team Magma! Castform Weather Ball!
Tarbitha was hit wit the Water Ball.
Tarbitha: Aaaarrggghhhhh!!! Grunts What do you think you're doing?! Attack them all altogether!
Luffy: Tropius Whirlwind!!
The Magma Grunts were blown away by the powerful Whirlwind and can't proceed to attack.
Tarbitha: We'll retreat for now! We don't really need that Weather Pokemon anyway! But remember! I will have my Revenge!!
Team Magma left thanks to the Pokemon Ranger, Luffy.
Luffy: Only one thing to do now, Castform stop the rain!
Castform stopped the rain.
Prof.Tenqi: Thank you so much all of you now Castform is back safely!
Rize: Luffy thanks alot for coming to help us!
Luffy: Anytime Rize, it's a smart decision to call me! =D Ah! By the way about the Wailmer, I've found its mother and its group and they are now living together happily.
Rize: I see.. I'm glad to hear that, Thanks Luffy!
Schumi: Tch that Absol have got away too! I'm outta here.
Rize: Schumi wait!
Schumi: What?
Rize: I've been looking for you all this time why don't we have a short battle for a while!
Schumi: Hm! Fine then let's see how much you have improved since at the Petalburg Gym.
Rize and Schumi will finally have their first battle! Who will come out to be the victor?! Can Rize win against Schumi who is about as strong as Tarbitha?! Find out on the next chapter!!
Zangoose Lv.19
ReplyDeleteCombusken Lv.22
Seviper Lv.20
Castform Lv.25
Tropius Lv.27