Rize: " Wow! There's 256 participants! and in order to win the League we have to win all together 7 matches of battle! Let see the first round of the preliminary round is a Single Pokemon elimination!" What?! Just one Pokemon and if that Pokemon is knocked out and that's it and we lost the match?!
Brendan: Yeah don't let your guard down!
Rize: Brendan! It's been a long time!
Brendan: Yeah you better pray that you don't meet with me in the first round hahaha..
Rize: Ha! I don't care who will be my first opponent! We will still meet sooner or later anyway if I keep on winning.
And so Rizes' first round of the preliminary round is about to begin.
Referee: The Junior Pokemon League 1st round of the Preliminary round is about to begin! On the Blue corner we have Rize and Red corner we have Ron! Only 1 Pokemon and both trainers have to send out their Pokemon at the same time after I count from 3! Trainers ready?! 3,2,1 Begin!
Rize: I choose Swellow!
Ron: Shiftry go!

" Shiftry the wickid Pokemon and the evolved form of Nuzleaf. It is a Grass and Dark type. By flapping its leafy fan, it can whip up gusts of 100ft/second that can level houses. "
Rize: Talk about luck! I got a type advantage!
Ron: Don't count your victory base on type! Shiftry is my strongest Pokemon! Shiftry Fake Out!
Shiftry moves very fast and used Fake Out on Swellow.
Ron: Now Faint Attack!
Swellow was hit with Faint Attack and fell to the ground.
Rize: Swellow no!! " His Shiftry is so fast!" Swellow we won't lose in term of speed! Go use Quick Attack!
Swellow hit Shiftry with Quick Attack.
Ron: Your Swellow's fast! Pound attack!
Rize: Aerial Ace!
The two Pokemon collided with their attacks and..
Referee: Shiftry is unable to battle! Swellow wins! Victory goes to the Blue corner! Rize!!
Ron: What?! No way!!
Rize: Yes!!
On the other stadiums..
Referee: Beldum is unable to battle! Beautifly wins! Victory goes to the Blue corner Wally!

Referee: Metang lost! Delcatty wins! Victory belongs to the Red corner Brendan! Just as expected from a Gym Leader's son!!

And ofcourse Schumi also make it through the first round! From 256 participant is now reduced to 128 participant left! The 4 of them Rize,Schumi, Brendan and Wally have make it through the 1st round. Who will be their next round's opponent?! Find out on the next chapter!
Shiftry Lv.18
ReplyDeleteBeldum Lv.17
Metang Lv.20