Jin: Professor!! We're here to help! What's wrong?!
Rize and Jin just stepped into Lab but suddenly they are tied up with a mysterious thread.
Rize: What?!
???: Hahaha! Help?! I thought it's gonna be a problem but look what we have here it's just two kids!
Jin: Who are you people!?

Rocket Grunt: Hahaha we are the mighty Team Rocket! We have just arrived to Johto! We are here to expand Team Rocket's network and our first mission is to steal Pokemon from this famous Prof.Elm's lab!
Rize: Team Rocket?!
Prof.Elm: Rize! Jin! Please help me get the stolen Pokemon back! The stolen Pokemon are inside the bag that they're carrying now!
Rocket Grunt: Come on.. What can these kids do especially after they have been tied up with Ariadoss' thread! Hahaha!

Rize: Ugh! " I can't check the Pokedex to see what Pokemon is that! But judging from its appearances it must be a Bug Type! If only I can somehow break free from this thread!"
Rocket Grunt: Hahaha! Ariados let's shut those kids! We can't let anybody know that Team Rocket is here in Johto yet! Ariados Poison Sting!
Rize: Look out!
Rize and Jin dodged the Poison Sting! Rize to the right and Jin to the left.
Jin: This is dangerous!
Rize: " Hey! The bind has losen its strength! Maybe its due to the struggling just now!"
Jin: Cyndaquil use Ember to burn this threads away!
Jin is freed and untied Rizes' tie.
Rize: Allright! Time to beat them up! Hoothoot go get that Ariados!
Jin: Cyndaquil you too!
Rocket: So you wanna fight us eh? We might as well steal your Pokemon! Ariados Spider Web and bind those two Pokemon!
Hoothoot and Cyndaquil was binded with the Spider Web attack.
Rize: Oh no! Hoothoot!
Jin: Cyndaquil turn on your the flames on your back to free from the Spider Web and use Ember on Ariados!
Cyndaquil freed itself using the flams on its back and attack Ariados with Ember and knocked it out!
Rocket Grunt: Oh no! Damn this useless Ariados! Let's leave!
Jin: You're not leaving with the bag!
Rize: Marshtomp Water Pulse!
The Water Pulse attack made the Rocket Grunt dropped the bag from their hand but they still manage to escape.
After afew minutes later the Cops have arrived.
Cop: Team Rocket?! So Team Rocket have come to this Johto region! You kids did well from preventing them stealing Prof.Elm's Pokemon! We will tighten the security in New Bark Town and all Johto! Now excuse us.
Prof.Elm: Rize and Jin thank you so much for getting the Pokemon back for me.
Rize: Proffesor where do Team Rocket originally from?
Prof.Elm: Team Rocket is a criminal organization that resided on Kanto and they steal other people's Pokemon and sell them for money! I heard they are also doing Lab Experiments on Pokemon in a harmful way!
Jin: What?! That's terrible!!
Rize: I can't believe people like that exist!
Prof.Elm: Now allow me to thank you Rize! You can select 1 out of 3 Starter Pokemon of Johto!
Rize: Eh really?! Thanks!
Jin: Wow! You're so lucky! Which one will you choose?
Rize: I've decided ever since I saw these three! I choose Cyndaquil!
Jin: You're smart for choosing Cyndaquil like me! Haha!
Prof.Elm: I have something else for you too Jin! Here it's a very rare supplement vitamin for Pokemon that can promote Growth for Pokemon more quickly it's called a Rare Candy!
Jin: Proffesor Thanks! Cyndaquil this is your token for giving Team Rocket a punch in their face!
Rize got himself a new member in his team from Prof.Elm and continued his journey to Violet City for his first Johto Gym Battle.
Hoothoot Lv.4
ReplyDeleteCyndaquil Lv.7
Ariados Lv.10
Rize's Cyndaquil Lv.5