Rize: Vulpix! I'm counting on you!
Brendan: Quite a rare Pokemon you got there! Delcatty Sing!
Rize: Oh no you don't! Ember!
The Ember attack hit Delcatty before it can finish singing.
Brendan: So it's a Fire Type? Time to finish this then! Delcatty Attract!
Delcatty use Attract on Vulpix and..
Brendan: Do you still remember how you lost to me last time?
Rize: Cute Charm?
Brendan: That's right! Now Delcatty can use Attract it don't need to wait for its opponent to make physical contact with it! Now you're done for!
But it seems that Vulpix is not affected by it.
Rize: Allright! In case you didn't know my Vulpix is a female just like your Delcatty! It won't work! Ember!
The Ember attack now burned Delcatty.
Brendan: Why you! Delcatty Double Slap!!
Rize: Vulpix Quick-Attack!
The two Pokemon collided with their attacks and they both knocked out.
Referee: Both Vulpix and Delcatty are unable to battle! This match is a Draw!!
Rize: What the?! Then now what?
Brandon: Cih! It may be a draw but my Pokemon still lost, here you got the Junior Balance Badge and the Egg. Besides, if you were to battle against Tommy you would have won anyway..
Tommy: What?!
Rize: The next time we battle in the League I'm gonna win!
Norman: Well that is if you become much stronger than now.
Rize: What do you mean?
Norman: Do you realize that the rules give you an advantage by Brendan not allowed to make a substitution? In the League both trainers will be allowed to make substitution.
Rize: ... I'm leaving.(Rize left the Gym)
Rize then went to the the cottage where Mr.Briney live to come for a visit however, he saw a bunch of kid is torturing a weak and sick looking Pokemon at the shore of the beach.

Rize: It's a Wailmer the ball whale pokemon! Hey leave that thing alone you cowards!
Kid: Who are you saying a coward?! Cascoon attack him!

Rize: Vulpix Ember!
Vulpix burned the cascoon and the kids ran away.
Rize: Wailmer don't worry I will save you!
Rize went to look for Mr.Briney for help but it seems that Mr.Briney is not in place so Rize took care of Wailmer himself with potions and medicines that he have.
Rize: Mudkip use Water Gun on Wailmer's body to cool its body down.
Rize then give Wailmer some rubbing to make it recover faster.
The next morning thanks God Wailmer is now back to tip-top shape!
Is Rize going to catch the Wailmer? Find out on the next Chapter!
Vulpix Lv.10
ReplyDeleteDelcatty Lv.15
Cascoon Lv.3
Wailmer Lv.15