Wally: Linoone let's do it!

" Linoone the rush Pokemon and the evolved form of Zigzagoon. It is a Normal type. When running in straight line, it can easily top 60 miles an hour. However it can only run straight and has a tough time with curved roads. "
Rize: That's weird, it can run in zigzag very well before it evolved..
Schumi: Vigoroth go!
Wally: Linoone Slash attack!
Schumi: Vigoroth Slash attack too!
The two Pokemon collided each other with Slash attack.
Wally: Linoone use Growl to reduce their attack power!
Vigoroth's attack was reduced.
Wally: Now to maximise our own attack! Belly Drum!
Linoone maximise its attack by hitting it's belly but it also took down lot of its own hit points.
Schumi: Hm! How Naive! Vigoroth use Encore!
Vigoroth used Encore on Linoone and Linoone only could use Belly Drum.
Wally: Linoone stop don't use Belly Drum anymore you'll take yourself out!
Schumi: Focus Punch Vigoroth!
Vigoroth hit Linoone with Focus Punch and Linoone was out.
Referee: Linoone lost! Vigoroth is the winner.
Wally: Breloom go!

" Breloom the mushroom Pokemon and the evolved form of Shroomish. It is a Grass and Fighting type. Its short arm stretch when it throws punches. Its technique is equal to that of pro boxers. It also scatters poisonous spores. "
Schumi: Switching to Fingthing Type to win the match huh? Vigoroth return! Hariyama go!

" Hariyama the arm thrust Pokemon and the evolved form of Makuhita. It is a Fighting type. It loves challenging others to test its strength. It can knock a truck flying with its arm thrusts and has the power to stop a train with a slap. "
Rize: That Hariyama looks so powerful! This is gonna be an exciting match between two Fighting Pokemon!
Schumi: Let's see whose Fighting Type is stronger!
Wally: Interesting! But too bad Breloom is also part Grass Type! Breloom use Leech Seed!
Breloom planted a seed that grows into vines that wrapped around Hariyama and keep sucking Hariyama's power.
Schumi: It doesn't matter! Hariyama Arm Thrust!
Hariyama hit Breloom repeatedly with Arm Thrust but.. Hariyama is poisoned!
Wally: That's Breloom's abillity Effect Spore!
Schumi: I don't need you to tell me that! Indeed, I do that on purpose.
Wally: What?!
Hariyama's Guts activated and its attack power was boosted alot!
Schumi: Hariyama Brick Break!!
Wally: Breloom Sky Upper Cut!
Breloom fight back Hariyama's Brick Break with Sky Upper Cut but its power can't match Hariyama to push back Brick Break and it's knocked out.
Referee: Breloom is unable to battle! Hariyama wins!
Wally: Kirlia I'm counting on you!

" Kirlia the emotion Pokemon and the evolved form of Ralts. It is a Psychic type. If its Trainer becomes happy, it overflows with energy, dancing joyously while spinning about. "
Rize: Kirlia have the type advantage!
Schumi: Again you pick your Pokemon base on Type advantage on the Pokemon you're facing. You have to think of things twice ahead! Hariyama return! Absol finish it!

Wally: I didn't choose Kirlia because of Type Advantage but Kirlia is my strongest Pokemon! Kirlia use Reflect!
Schumi: Let see what your strongest can do! Absol Faint Attack!
Absol hit Kirlia with Faint Attack despite the Reflect that reduces its damage Kirlia still couldn't take the hit and knocked out.
Referee: Kirlia fainted! Absol wins! Winner is from the Red corner Schumi!
Wally: Kirlia I'm sorry..
Rize: " Wally is not weak! He's been doing good but Schumi is on a different level! "
Wally have now been eliminated and Schumi goes to Round 5, next is Rize against Brendan! Who will come out as the winner and goes to Round 5?! Find out on the next chapter!!
Linoone Lv.16
ReplyDeleteBreloom Lv.18
Kirlia Lv.20
Vigoroth Lv.21
Hariyama Lv.24
Absol Lv.25