Referee: The Pokemon Battle between Watt the Junior Gym Leader of Mauville Gym with Rize the challenger is about to begin! It's a 1 on 1 Pokemon Battle with no time limit!
Watt: Electrike go!

" Electrike the Lightning Pokemon, an Electric type. Electrike used the electricity stored in its fur to stimulate its muscles to heighten its reaction speed. "
Rize: Mudkip I'm counting on you!
Judge: Begin!
Watt: You've made the greatest mistake in your life for choosing a Water Type against me! Electrike use Spark!
Rize: Mudkip dodge it!
Mudkip evaded Electrike's Spark.
Rize: Use Water Gun!
Mudkip's Water Gun hit Electrike.
Rize: So what if I'm using a Water Type? As long as your attack didn't hit me it's fine!
Watt: You sure about that? Electrike use Thunder Wave to stop that Mudkip's movement!
Mudkip is hit with Thunder Wave and Paralysed.
Watt: Haha! Now Spark!
Rize: Mudkip stay calm! Use Mud-Slap!
Watt: Oops! That's dangerous Electrike dodge it!
Electrike dodged Mudkip's attack.
Watt: Not only your Mudkip can dodge attacks you know.
Rize: Keep using Mud-Slap!
Watt: Keep dodging!
And so Mudkip attacked Electrike with Mud-Slap but Electrike keep dodging every single one of it. However something good happen and Mudkip's Mud-Slap attack became Mud Sport and covered itself and the field with Mud.
Watt: What?!
Rize: Allright! Mudkip you learned a new move! Now Mud-Slap again!
Watt: Dodge again!
This time Electrike is unable to dodge it as the field have become muddy and slippery.
Watt: Damn! Spark!
Mudkip was hit with Spark now but the damage it take is not so much due to Mud-Sport.
Rize: Finish this Mudkip! Take Down!
Mudkip Knocked Out Electrike with Take Down.
Referee: Electrike lost! Mudkip Wins! The Winner is Rize the challenger!
Wally: Wow! He did it again!!
Watt: You thought me a very useful lesson today that type doens't count everything. Here take your Junior Dynamo Badge as prove of winning this Gym.
And So Rize won the Gym and earned his 3rd Gym Badge. Continue to the next Chapter!
Electrike Lv.8
ReplyDeleteMudkip Lv.12