Luffy: Is there really nothing we human can do?!
Hiroshi: There has been no answer yet from the Ranger Headquarters.
Drake: The Pokemon Association didn't answer either, I guess they're still planning on something.
Rize: So we just sit here and wait for our doom?!
Steven: No Rize! We're not gonna sit here and do nothing!
Steven has arrived in the location.
Schumi: Steven the Champion!!
Steven: I have finally able to crack the code of the Ancient Writings, Rize! Do you still remember the letter you gave to me in Dewford? The letter is actually the Ancient Writings!
Rize: So what does it say?!
Steven: It says that long ago in the Hoenn region, two superior Pokemon of the land and the sea is fighting endlessly and creating chaos and havoc throughout the world.
Luffy: Is that gonna happen again right now?! We're not gonna let it happen!
Hiroshi: Wait! It said it happened in the past right?! That means it has been stopped before and someone or something have stop the fight! We just have to do the same thing like in the past!!
Steven: Absolutely! According to this Ancient Writings, there are not just two Ancient Legendary Pokemon and there's one more! And it was this other Ancient Legendary Pokemon that stop the fight between Kyogre and Groudon! And that Pokemon is Rayquaza!
Luffy: Perfect! We'll just bring Rayquaza here to stop Kyogre and Groudon!
Hiroshi: But where can we find Rayqyaza?!
Rize: Let's see what the Pokedex got to say about Rayquaza.
" Rayquaza the Sky High Pokemon. It is a Dragon and Flying type. It lives in the ozone layer far above the clouds and cannot be seen from the ground. Until recently, no one had ever seen it. "
Drake: I heard that Rayquaza lives in the ozone layer of our planet!
Schumi: That's what the Pokedex just said...
Rize: Maybe we can use the Rocket in Mossdeep Space Centre to go and find Rayquaza!
Schumi: Under this terrible weather distortion there is no way they can launch a rocket to space!
Steven: Don't worry! According to this Ancient Script, one can find and contact Rayquaza from a place in Hoenn and the place is the Sky Pillar located at Sea Route 131!
Drake: Then we just need a strong Pokemon Trainer to go there and find Rayquaza! I think I'm up to the task and besides I really would like to meet Rayquaza heheh..
Steven: No Mr.Drake, you,Glacia, Phoebe and Syndey are going to do other tasks!
Drake: What?! Then who will go and find Rayquaza?!
Steven: We will leave this up to the kids! Rize and Schumi!
Drake: Are you crazy?! They're just kids!! We can't put them in danger!
Steven: We have no other choice! We are short of people they are the best suited for this task! You wanna switch role with them? I haven't tell you what's your task but your task is equally dangerous and only the Elite 4 are capable of it!
Drake: ... I understand.. Champion!
Hiroshi: Schumi you take Latios and go with Rize to Sky Pillar.
Luffy: Rize you take Latias! We're counting on both of you okay!
Rize&Schumi: Got it! You can count on us!!
Meanwhile in other evacuation place..
Marc: I wonder if brother is allright, I hope he's fine right Nuzleaf?

Wally: He's fine! He's your brother after all!
So Rize and Schumi went with Latias and Latios to the Sky Pillar to find Rayquaza, will they succeed?! Find out on the next chapter!
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